'15-'16 Sending Formatted Text

Use this as a space to record your feedback and questions about this lesson.

I like this lesson, since it
gives students a way to develop their own protocol; and I was thinking of doing
a ā€˜protocolā€™ call out sheet, that all students can put their ideas on, and see
what protocols seems similar, and see which are different. Developing protocol is
important, (from the lesson) ā€˜Give teams time to develop their protocols,
either on their Activity Guides or on a separate poster, document, slideshow,
etc. Encourage students to iteratively test their protocols to make sure they
have not overlooked any gaps in their protocol.ā€™ That is one of the most
important parts of this lesson, have them develop then test it out. It should
by this time be part of the classroom protocol, to have students test and
retest their own protocols.

I will use all the resources from the lesson. I would have liked to seen a few samples from other classes that have already done this lesson, but I am interested in seeing what kinds of things my students can come up with.

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If I have time Iā€™d love to randomly assign students to a connection and try to use their groupsā€™ protocol with another random student in the room, who is using a different protocol. Thinking it could lead to a few good discussions that would come about a bit more organically than if I inserted the questions in myself.

I agree with grl6487 that the testing concept is a very important one. I also like eric_allenā€™s idea of randomly assigning the completed protocols and ultimately discussing with my students what they learned from the exercise.

The lesson plan seems very organized and developing your own protocol for sending messages is great. However, the internet simulator did not have a link. I was interested in testing it out. So I feel that a classroom discuss will be very important to reinforced the concepts in this lesson.

lesson is good, will have some feel for it while teaching it. i will ask questions that time.

At first I was worried that my students who have had ECS will think this is ā€œbeneath themā€ but as I tried the assignment I realized that students with or without ECS could do this activity. I may have a few who need the extension of the activity. I am glad it is included.

At first glance this lesson seems simple but i think it will take a lot for the students to figure out how to create a protocol using only regular characters that cover all the requirements. I wonder how many will make the link to HTML. Like Eric I think I would have students try their protocol on someone elseā€™s text file to see what the results are. Great way to show why there are standards. I like the reflection part at the end as a way to assess their understanding.

I can see how I may be tempted to try to use HTML as a means to convey the meaning behind this. Since I have web development in my blood it is hard to NOT do this, so I may resort to it for those who may be ā€œstuckā€. I also see where I will probably try having students use otherā€™s protocols to try out sending messages to each other.

I was wondering the same thing. For students who have experience in HTML and CSS, I am wondering how they will link this information if at all.

This is a good extension of some of the previous encoding activities. As part of the extended learning option, it might be helpful to discuss with students why containers (such as PDFs) can be useful in terms of ensuring that certain content appears consistently the same across multiple platforms.

These lessons will be bit of a steep learning curve for me. I am not clear on Hexadecimal and feel that it should be part of the lesson. I will need a tutorial for this lesson and unit.

I like the first Blown to Bits reading. My kids are interested in ā€œHackingā€ and I think they will find the reading interesting.

I agree with stephen_p_sell that it would be tempting to use the HTML examples. It would be fun to see if students can come up with their own method first. I can also see that an example may be needed for the students to fully understand the assignment.

I like the idea of the students using a teacher made document to prove their protocol works.

These lessons fit very well together in this chunk, since they are both about sending text. I like how we are moving through these lessons, including the previous ones - sending A and B, then 0 and 1, and moving into text itself, and then formatting that text.

There is a natural flow to these lessons, as we think about what we want to send through computers.

It is such a great way to approach this material, and the Internet Simulator is so good at giving the students an idea as to how the people came up with all of this stuff back in the day.

In this chunk, I again like the scaffolding from how to make a simple code to represent just letters to then using real world ASCII coding to format the text. I will be very careful about using HTML as an example since many students will probably not be familiar with HTML. I do have an advantage that some of my students will be former students from ITF and will know some HTML, so I can have them explain that to other students.

The idea of developing their own protocol is a great problem solving strategy; I am sure the problem solving process will be an integral part of this lesson as they realize the incompleteness of their protocols as they try to use them.

The Internet Simulator, worksheets, and teachings tips make the lessons a dream to implement. As the instructor, I feel more prepared to facilitate inquiry and giving students accountability and capability for their learning as opposed to boring teacher directed lessons. The practical application engages students and increases comprehension.