'15-'16 Sending Formatted Text

Yes, my hope was to show two things. 1. How much more text is sent over the internet to display a web page then you see on the page. 2. How repetitive and thus amenable to compression html is.

The lesson plan question:
•How many bits are required to store the number “150” in ASCII?
◦3 bits
◦8 bits
◦15 bits
◦21 bits
◦30 bits
isn’t exactly the same as in code studio. The options for 15, 21, and 30 are different. Which ones are correct?

hi, melody!

great catch-- not sure how the lesson plan was changed, but it was done in error. i’ve updated the lesson plan to mirror code studio.

the correct answer is 24. this is because each ASCII character is represented with 8 bits, and since 150 has 3 characters it will take 8x3 (or 24) total bits to represent the value in binary.

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Could someone provide me with a formatting protocol using ASCII 32-126 for printing the word test with the following formatting

large sized bold blue underlined

I think if i could see just one example it would kick in


Hi Bryan

There is not correct way to answer this. There are lots of protocols that students could come up with to answer this question. There is a teaching tip in the lesson plan that explains a conventional way using reserved words. This is how HTML and Markdown work so students are pretty much working to invent their own version of these.
