17 Student Performance Disaggregated by Pre-Approved Curricula

Hi Everyone

We received this notice from the College Board Community. What reports from this will be made available to teachers? Thanks!

"The College Board is providing this feedback directly to the providers. The providers are allowed to release this data at their discretion, but there are no current plans for a public release by The College Board. As we know that there are many factors that contribute to the success of students, at this time it is too early for any accurate conclusions to be made with only one year’s worth of data.


My understanding is that we (Code.org) are getting de-identified school information from the College Board at this point. We will make some kind of report for sharing, but I’m guessing it will not be hugely useful for individual teachers’ practice, but may contain broadly interesting information. That’s the plan. But we don’t have the data yet.

I also think the College Board is preparing more detailed (than in the past) individual reports for teachers sent directly to the teacher/school.


Thanks for the information. I am glad to hear we will be receiving more information from the college board next year.