Expert Remixing
I added a camera and added extreme wiggle to both breeds.

I had so much trouble. When I made my project the set up and forever button disappeared and I couldnā€™t run it. I probably donā€™t know what Im doing because this happened with my other projects I made in the summer and I couldnā€™t run those or add things to it. I have spent too much time trying to fix the problem. I am Hoping at the next meeting I can fix this.

Extreme wiggle walking from an agentā€™s point of view - dizzying!
Created a new breed (cheetah) and gave it the camera - designed to move at faster speeds than the other turtles by increasing the number of steps forward.
in this model i tried to add the run and chase so that my lion would chase my giraffes and giraffes would disappear when they collided with the lions. Still need to work on the code more because they are walking in a crazy way and the lion no longer appears to be chasing which seemed to be successful before. Trying to replicate a predator-prey relationship here but it definitely needs more work. Still got some practice with procedures.

I worked on the two functions I hadnā€™t worked on in the PD.

I added a breed.

I added a camera to a turtle.

In my remix I added a camera to the rabbits. I also added trees as agents. I added sliders to control the population of all the agents. I also added logic statements that would change the speed and direction of the agents when they were in proximity to predators.

In my remix I added sliders for the amount of rabbits and grass. I also added a coyote predator who is able to eat rabbits, reproduce, and die. The coyote carries the camera.

I tried my best at adding some of the features but am having some issues. I have the slides and collision piece however need help with the adding of a breed and camera part.

Have third part of training in a couple of weeks so maybe I can better understand it then.

I had some problems with it. When I remixed it, I added all the things required, then it froze on me. i refreshed the screen and then lost most of my work. I retried, but then the program does not contain the run or forever buttons.

I put a camera on the deer and made the grass sway.

I added the required to my program. This makes sense because I am testing to see how adding agents to the environment will alter the rate of change in population.

I added another breed, predator, and created a slider to change the number of predators that the simulation can start with. When a turtle collides with a predator, it will be die, or be deleted. I also gave the camera to a predator.

I added camera to agent. Now we can see from the agents perspective.
added camera to agent.

This is my first ā€œexpert remix,ā€ in which I remixed the spreading epidemic model. I practiced giving an agent the camera, added a procedure called ā€œtransmission,ā€ changed the wiggle to random 60 degrees, and changed the shapes of the agents. I also reviewed what the slider information meant, in terms of ā€œif random 100 is less than the slider valueā€¦ā€ because I was having trouble remembering exactly what that meant. But I remember now that itā€™s as though Iā€™m rolling a 100 sided die, and if the value that comes up is less than the slider number, the turtle will turn red (correct me if Iā€™m wrong!) So far all of the changes make sense in the world of spreading an epidemic. What I still want to work on is causing a change when an agent is detected. This world is more about spreading unknown diseases in a situation out of peopleā€™s control (I imagine on a subway or something). Iā€™m going to remix this world and try to create a situation in which people could see a disease coming and try to avoid it, since Iā€™m having trouble with those types of procedures.
Iā€™ve spent about 8 hours remixing all kinds of things and have been somewhat successful with everything. I find that I am really missing my colleague @ashley_oland and am really glad that the students will be working with partners. I have introduced a new breed and added a camera and put in new widgets and sliders and graphs, but I canā€™t seem to get the whole recovery procedure to work. I feel like I need a lot more time to practice in the presence of someone who is familiar with the process.
I added a new breed (foxes) but they did not show up. I tried to add procedure but it didnā€™t work.

This is my second remix from module 1. I remixed spreading the epidemic, and changed it to raccoons with rabies. If the infected raccoon collides with a healthy raccoon, that raccoon gets rabies. However, I added a a procedure so that healthy raccoons can try to avoid infected raccoons when they see one. This took a while because I ran into a lot of problems, so this is the only change I made. First I tried making a procedure called run, where if a raccoon detected a red raccoon within 5 steps, it could turn and move forward 2 steps. However, this meant that every raccoon did that, including ones that were already red, which isnā€™t realistic. (Red raccoons had rabies.) I wanted to make it so that just the blue healthy raccoons would do this behavior, so I played around with the logic and detection blocks. But something I did made it so that the blue raccoons just didnā€™t move at all. So solve this, I just had to connect the wiggle walk directions to a different ā€œif.ā€