Initial Rubric Criteria Thoughts

The four categories I would focus on for my assessment rubric would be

  1. Accuracy of Science Concept Represented- this will be how well the students represent the science concept
  2. Team Contribution- this will be how well students worked together as a team, making sure each student contributed ideas to the module and had equal participation
  3. Accuracy of Code- this will be how accurate their use of code blocks
  4. Presentation of Module- how well students present and model their module, explaining how it represents a scientific concept
  1. Basic coding skill: Students should understand basic code and use them properly.
  2. Completeness: Students’ work should be running.
  3. Scientific Concepts: Students should understand the scientific concept of the question or program.
  4. Problem solving: Students’ program should answer the question or simulate the question.

Here is my rubric for coding. It is a working document which is just a start for now.
Mr. Garcia’s Rubric

In case it doesn’t work then here is a screen shot of the rubric
Mr. Garcia’s Coding Rubric 2016
CodingRubric.docx (14.9 KB)

I would use the categories of:
Coding-both accuracy and creativity are important factors
Collaboration/Perseverance-working together and feeding off each other’s ideas and strengths are important to being successful
Scientific understanding-as a teacher of science I need to be sure my students understand the science behind their model
Presentation-is the model easy to use, how much explanation is needed to be successful at running/using the model.

My rubric categories would be:

  1. Demonstration of Scientific Method-At my school, 7th graders are doing this in lieu of the 8th graders’ traditional science fair, so they need to show they’ve gone through a parallel/equivalent investigative process.
  2. Coding Accuracy- Models should actually test what students proposed they were going to test.
  3. Coding Efficiency- Code in the models should be simple to read and troubleshoot, as simple and direct as it can be to test variables.
  4. Science Content- Variables that are tested and controlled for should produce results that are reasonable.

I also just really like the attached rubric, which others have also posted.

The four categories I will use to assess students’ computer models are listed below.

Knowledge of scientific concepts - Can students set up a model that accurately represents scientific concepts like energy flows through trophic levels?

Basic Coding - Can students apply the coding concepts taught in modules 1 and 3?

Creativity/Challenge - Does the student go above and beyond by adding new coding features to their model or researching/modeling a unique ecosystem.

Collaboration & Grit - Do students work well with their coding buddies and persevere through challenges?

It would be really interesting to have students rate themselves in terms of perseverance. Might lead to some rich discussion.

I believe the coding is a tool that allows students to test a scientific principle/system. I would focus first on the science: do students understand concept/principle they are modeling -->how effectively does computer model test hypothesis?, then I think it’s important to assess coding itself --> were students able write code that would run? did students work cooperatively? and how did they problem solve/perservere?

Categories for Rubric:

  1. Documentation: Students need to appropriately document the question they are going to explore, the variables involved in the model, and the method to evaluate the variables.
  2. Model Development: The model needs to be evaluated in regards to the agents and environment and the interactions.
  3. Scientific Practices: How well was the scientific method incorporated into computer modeling and simulation.
  4. Collaboration: Were the students able to collectively work on the simulation and all take ownership of the project.

I would use these rubric categories.

Categories for Rubric:
Accuracy of code
Creativity in code
Understanding of the scientific content

The 4 categories for criteria:

  1. Content Knowledge (chemistry) observed through project
  2. Coding Knowledge: use of specific blocks (if…then, collision block, ect.)
  3. Creativity: how creative there model looks compared to the example they found on youtube.
  4. Extra credit: Try to show a graph of the chemical reaction taking place.

My 4 categories would be:
Coding skills: Demonstrating use of learned coding skills/blocks
Scientific Understanding: Applying scientific understanding to the model
Collaboration: Working in paired programming, supporting partner and other students
Perseverance: Demonstrating problem solving and sticking with it

The 4 categories I am going to use are:

  1. Coding skills
  2. Understanding of scientific content
  3. Creativity
  4. Collaboration

I am going to use these four catergories:

  1. Coding Skills
  2. Understanding of Scientific Content
  3. Creativity
  4. Collaboration

I would consider using the following criteria:

1: Ability to modify the base model (coding)
2. Ability to apply scientific concepts to model (application and disciplinary core ideas)
3. Ability to develop a creative solution to developing an authentic model)
4. Ability to effectively work as part of a team and communicate your solution

I think for rubric creation you may need to consider having different rubrics for different students and their different ability levels as well as what you want the focus of the lesson to be. Thankfully, technology makes it very easy to create different rubrics as needed. I think I would start out with the following criteria:

Perseverance: I think this should be on there to encourage students to keep trying. Many of them quit to quickly instead of pushing through it
Completion of base model: To promote reading and following directions
Completion of model evaluation: Promote higher level thinking and evaluation of the program
Comprehension of scientific content

  1. Basic coding skills - Were the students able to use the blocks provided to make a functioning program?
  2. Collaboration - Did the students work effectively as a pair programming team? Did both students contribute to the coding or did one student take over / sit back?
  3. Creativity - Were the students able to build on the base code to make their program do something new?
  4. Application (?) - Were the students able to see the real-world application of their program? Could they make a connection between what was being coded and what is seen in the real-world?

I really like the ideas posted here. I think the rubric should be a mix of effort and final product. I teach sixth graders, who need to see a connection between their hard work and their final grade. Also, because coding is so challenging, the final product (in my opinion, for this grade level) is not as important as understanding the basics and of their attitude and perseverance. The categories I would use are:

  1. basic coding understanding
  2. effort and perseverance
  3. creativity and elaboration
  4. final product functionality

Though this is a summative grade, I’m a big fan of formative assessments. I would do periodic (every few days or every week) check ins with a quick grade on the same scale. I would even have students occasionally grade themselves, more so in a student or group that is greatly behind or not trying their best. These methods would all communicate their progress on many levels.

I have enjoyed reading all of the ideas here and agree with all of them - so many choices, but 4 points to focus on seems to be just the right amount for students as well as me. I would focus on the following:

  1. Collaboration and cooperation
  2. Effort and perseverance
  3. Basic coding
  4. Final product