Initial Rubric Criteria Thoughts

The 4 categories that I would include on the rubric are:

Scientific Process/Thinking
Collaboration and/or Problem Solving
Coding - accuracy and/or skills

These are the aspects that my teaching partner and I displayed during our work. I think that the science is key since it’s the content. The coding piece does need to have some accuracy built in to it but that’s self-explanatory to if the code works to accomplish the task so it will be an easy piece to grade. They need to be able to present their work to each other since this is also included in the LAFS standards encompassed in the science curriculum maps.

I would use the following categories of consideration in creating a rubric to assess student achievement with a coding activity:

  1. Was the coding used accurate and effective in creating a working model of a complex adaptive system?
  2. Does it include the factors needed to reflect that system (are the variables created valid for experimentation? Does their hypothesis reflect the variables created)
  3. Are they assessing the outcome of running the model to create a valid conclusion of the experimental results? (Are they analyzing the appropriate data in a valid manner/)
  4. Are they able to communicate their model, the results they obtained, and their conclusion.

These are the factors I believe to be important to ensure that students are able to use the models they create to achieve a valid scientific experience. These are the same criteria I would use to evaluate a real-world experiment.

  1. Understanding of science concept - Do the students understand how the model represents a real life phenomenon? Are students able to explain what part in their code represents certain behaviors in real life?
  2. Collaboration - Are students able to work with a partner to develop their model and troubleshoot issues? Are students able to work with fellow peers when they or their peers are struggling?
  3. Problem Solving - Are students able to troubleshoot bugs or issues with their code?
  4. Creativity - Are students able to modify the base code appropriately?

I think this is a fabulous rubric for evaluating a computer model. I like all four of the categories stated. Maybe I would add one more category for teamwork since I am doing paired programming with one student being Driver and the other as Navigator then switching off roles. So the last category that I would add would be for team work.

  1. basic coding
  2. creativity in coding
  3. perseverance
  4. teamwork - how well do the students work in a team
  5. scientific understanding

This post is in response to a rubric posted below by wadc_edavis:

I think this is a fabulous rubric for evaluating a computer model. I like all four of the categories stated. Maybe I would add one more category for teamwork since I am doing paired programming with one student being Driver and the other as Navigator then switching off roles. So the last category that I would add would be for team work.

basic coding
creativity in coding
teamwork - how well do the students work in a team
scientific understanding

Student_Computer_Model_Rubric.docx (24.9 KB)

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