Is there a way to add a comment to student work?

I would love to be able to add comments to student work within the lessons so they know what they need to work on if I haven’t been able to talk to them in class.


I don’t think so. I use Google Classroom for my assignments. I add comments there to free response questions that students must submit online.


Do you do that to add comments about their html, etc? I use Google Classroom also for the text posts but haven’t figured out a good way for the puzzles in the lessons.


I also have not found a way to comment on their work, but I would also like to comment on student responses in the Check for Understanding! Right now I’m sending students emails, but it is a lot of unnecessary extra work. I hope someone from will respond!

@jfletcher1843 @kcharlton @mmathews

Hi Jessica (and Maya & Kimberly)

The ability for teachers to give students feedback within the platform is something that we’re actively working on right now. This is part of general improvement of how assessment and feedback are handled in the course. It’s not something that will come out this year, but it is a priority for us as we revise the teacher and student experience on the site. We know it’s frustrating to have to go to another platform to comment on student work.

We’re logging this feedback, so please feel free to let us know exactly what would be most useful for you either on the forum or by contacting us directly. We appreciate the insight into what would best support you in the classroom.



Wonderful!!! I’m excited to hear it will be coming. My specific need would be for the check for understandings free response. I go through each question and want to give the students feedback about their response. It has the question, the student response, and an idea of what (per the AP curriculum) we should be looking for - just seems like a logical place to reply to the student.

I also agree that the students’ work would be another place to comment. The platform is fabulous for learning but the ability to comment on specific lines of code or a pop out or … something, anything … would give me the ability to place feedback for congratulations or pointers for next time.

I’ll test it if you need a guinea pig!


Thanks! We’re pretty far away from being in testing phase, but I will definitely pass on the feedback that the free response questions are a place that teachers want to give feedback, as well as student code. We’re also really excited about these improvements.


This is great. I’m also eagerly awaiting this feature.


I agree that it’s a much needed feature!

I also use Google Classroom for my assignments. Try it

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I am able to add comments to some assignments on Usually for the lesson tabs that have the “Submit” option. This is neat as I can give them feedback right there on their submission. But I still use Google Classroom to give more thorough feedback based on the project guide and rubric.


Is this something that is still being worked on?? I’ve asked for years to be able to comment on student’s work as well as the check for understandings. Please please please!!!


I am able to leave feedback on all assessment levels (the purple check) along with the rubric grade. If you are hoping for additional feedback features, let support know using the link and choosing “I’d like to request a feature” in the dropdown.


Yes, these have always been available in the Discoveries lessons as well as the programming levels in APCSP, but not on the check for understanding in the APCSP. I would like to leave feedback for students individually there and cannot. I normally email students, but that is so time consuming and has streamlined so much that I was hoping this was in the works! It was a feature I requested years ago (like 2017) so I guess I’ll have to request it again!