Need headers on handouts please

Hi! - Started Lesson 4 and it is going well. One housekeeping request - to help keep my students and myself stay organized - consider adding headers With Unit # and Lesson # on handouts. Sometimes I require students to turn in completed handouts for a classwork grade and this helps them and me keep them straight!

ps - I would like this for Units 5 and 6 too!!

This is a great idea. I will bubble this up to the staff to see if this can be done.

Here is the response from Josh (curriculum writer): we’ve actually purposefully stripped those out because they become inaccurate every time we make changes to courses that impact numbering. This becomes a bigger problem as we consider supporting multiple versions of a course (like allowing access to a beta version while still supporting the current stable version) where the same activity might be aligned to differently numbered lessons

thanks for the feedback! I have to say - I love when we get to a video (What’s for lunch?) with familiar faces in it!!