Teaching Computer Science: Your Plans

I have started my 8-week session with one of my 5th grade classes, and they loved the first unplugged lesson (graph paper programming)! I won’t get through all of the lessons in course 2, but I will be providing incentive for them to keep going once we are done.

At Juda School we have been offered a 40 minute class to teach coding. We will be rotating 7th and eighth grade students through the program.

Our intent is to use the Coding in Algebra as we are the most comfortable with that program.

I am planning to use CS in Algebra with my 8th grade students this year. I have not planned an exact schedule yet, but am hoping to include it about once a week.

I used code.org (hour of code) last year for my 3rd and 4th graders. This year I am implementing code for my 1st through 4th graders. Since I am on a cart/ mobile it is a little more difficult. My plan is:
Kindergarten: learn to use the mouse (we use laptops), learn to use the keyboard
1st: course 1
2nd: course 2
3rd: course 2/course 3
4th: course 3

My name is Barbara I´m working with my elementary school students in Argentina Courses 1 and 2.
The goals for my classroom are:

  • to make the students think, reason and create logical sequences.
  • To help them see themselves as creators and masters of tecnology not simple users.
  • To help them see tecnology as a tool that can help them meet their goals on every field.
  • To prepare students for an uncertain laboral future where they will face problems to solve, colaborative works, research, self-teaching, and adaptability skills.
    CS and code.org help me put all these goals into practice on the diferent lessons. students face new concepts, they have to think about them and solve problems exchanging experiences with ther parthnes. we construct the knowlege all toghether and also analize and understand how the tecnology works.

I love the way the students are motivated by these interesting lessons. They work eagerly on unplugged and online lessons. they help each other and really work hard solving problems.

I see as a chalenge keep the interest of students in log term time. As something new they are excited about the lessons, but I fear that they may loose this enthusiasm.

There are so many questions but I think that the most important is what are you doing in your classes that help you improve the lessons?, and how do you manage the diferent students levels of comprehention?, in some clases of course 2 I mix the unplugged activities of course 1 becouse I notice that they didn´t undestand the concepts very well.

I thak you for this wonderfull oportunity to learn and teach coding and CS.

Best regards,

I want to use this course with my 7th grade students. I am hoping that it will keep them engaged and get them excited about learning math. I do see challenges in having the technology required to practice coding consistently, however I believe if they can get a little bit of exposure using the program they won’t want to stop.

I’m moving from a very active program in my classroom to teaching coding in the computer lab. I’m so excited, because I think these lessons are great for teaching problem solving and cooperation! My plan for the first class in each grade level (I’ll have first through fifth) is to go over computer lab rules and procedures and have a brief intro to coding. I have 40 minute blocks. I’ll start the younger students out with Happy Maps and go from there. I’ll need to look closer into code studio to find out where to start the older ones. I have a fourth grader who is very interested in coding, so I’ll use her advice on what fourth and fifth graders should start.

My plan is to work on Course 1- 4, then move to Unplugged Lessons. In the near future, I hope to converse with math and science colleagues about CS with algebra and science. For my students in 7th and 8th, I need to consider options for Javascript and HTML/CSS soon.

Very energized in using a variety of resources to begin Computer Science at the younger level. With so many companies catching my teacher-attention these days, I wanted a better grasp of the basics.

The community is already wonderfully open to learning and to sharing ideas. Love that component of this learning space.

  • What are your goals for your classroom? How will CS or code.org resources help you meet those goals?
    Thank you for this course, Teaching Computer Science, with supporting videos, plans and unplugged activities. Code Studio has been a great short-term activity for my computer class students, 5th - 8th. With all these resources and a course that guides a teacher with unplugged activities and ideas, I am excited to use all Code Studio with all K-8 for longer units. With a new Massachusetts Framework in Digital Literacy and Computer Science, these lessons and activities are perfect.

  • What are you most excited about when it comes to implementing some of these resources? Using the Unplugged activities to reinforce learning in different ways.

  • What challenges do you foresee in trying to meet your goals?
    With the older students who have been with Code Studio for a while may need more extensions into other CS activities. And for the MinecraftEdu Club, I am going to attempt to figure out the Computer Craft turtles. Khan Academy’s JavaScript or the HTML/CSS lessons may be the answer. There’s a Raspberry Pi and an Arduino sitting in my teacher’s cabinet that needs some attention soon.
    With the younger students, we may try a robotics unit, adding a Sphero, Dash/Dot or BeeBot to the activities.

  • What questions do you have that this community might help you answer? I found great value in hearing about how other teachers are working with Code Studio. With so many elementary CS ideas, units, and programs out there, it has been an overwhelming to figure out where to begin, and how to begin CS (also what to purchase). I am very grateful to Code.org for offering a safe, free and informative base.

I have used Code Studio for a couple years now, mostly as an introductory. I am always amazed by the students that really take to the courses and want to visit the site during free time. I would love to implement using the course as an actual class during next year’s enrichment period with 8th grade students. I fully believe it is important for students to be somewhat introduced to computer science, as this generation will be lucky to find work that does not involve some aspect of computer science!

I have used Code Studio for a few years now. I love how they add or keep items up to date. I plan on setting up all of my classes in code.org so we can start coding again. The students at my school love to code, and I was looking for a way to bring more coding to them. I think I have found the way. I have only set up a class for a club, so 27 might be challenging.

As a computer teacher, my goal is to have my students learn and explore computer science. Currently, in computer class they are just learning applications such as Word and Excel. I am excited to share with them that there is so much more to learning about computers and I believe that they will be thrilled too!

Share with us:
What are your goals for your classroom?

  • that students will see the connection between what they are learning with computer coding, and how they can transfer those skills to other disciplines

How will CS or code.org resources help you meet those goals?

  • online resources are very clear - since I will not be in the classroom myself, I will be able to use these resources to help teachers and reference where they can go for support

What are you most excited about when it comes to implementing some of these resources?

  • getting children more excited, at earlier ages, in computer science; recognizing their abilities; diversifying gender and culture included in higher level computer science courses later in school

What challenges do you forsee in trying to meet your goals?

  • time - there is not enough time to fit in more standards; teachers have enough difficulty completing what is currently required. It will take time to help teachers figure out how to integrate effectively and efficiently.

I intend to begin with an hour of code in primary, before teaching the same group the first code.org course as an extracurricular activity during lunch hour. Since I will have approximately an half hour during dinner for this activity, chunking the program in light of the time restraint, might prove challenging.

Hi, brilliant resource you’ve got here. I intend to start a weekend program teaching kids with these resources. however I have some questions.

  1. Should I teach kids javascript while they learn the concepts on code.org?
  2. Or finish the concepts on course 1-4 before picking a programming language as javascript to teach/learn?
  3. Is javascript a good language to start off with my kids. ( I am looking at ages 6-18)

We have used Code.org in the past for Hour of Code. However, we are now looking at incorporating code.org to tackle the Indiana Computer Science standards embedded in the science standards. Reviewing the standards and aligning with unplugged and coding activities is going to be our next step!

I will teach computer science for children 5-6 years. And I do not have the experience of teaching for such small children, so I’m worried about such questions:
Do I need to come up with additional exercises for the lessons at Course 1 or those that will be enough?
What additional exercises can you think of?
How do children take this course?

Kindly share those convincing documents throgh you attract schools and principals. In my area people are mostly unaware of computer. They think its just an entertainment box. Huh

My goal for this coming school year is to introduce and inspire a love for CS to my 5th graders. I believe the code.org resources are a perfect way to implement these problem solving opportunities. I am most excited to see the excitement and wonder on the students faces! I will have a big challenge ahead of me! This group has had minimal experience using the Chromebook technology we have within our district. I plan to start slowly the unplugged lessons and work through Course 2 together. I have no questions at this time, but I am certain I will eventually and I will use this platform often. Thank you for this opportunity!

My goals for my classroom are to introduce and familiarize students with computer coding and problem solving. I am very excited about the ability to monitor my students progress as they complete lessons independently. We will have a cs specialist next year, and our biggest challenge will be integrating the work the cs does with the work we do in the classroom.