U1 Day 17-19: PD Discussion Topic

Try these links:

I think they’re all pretty good. Also, I found that the interaction for this section was blocked by my school computers. We found some additional ones here:


Keep in mind that some of these chatbots are rather… sassy.

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I think I will be in a good location. I believe I will do a combinations of clips as I look into this more.

I plan to use a video of the test and then have students work with the Chatterbox sites.

After allowing the students to watch several examples of Turing Tests, I will allow them to create Turing Tests of their own using the classes’ discussion board or online response systems. I found a website that allows users to have free conversations with Chatbots enter link description here
This will provide fun reinforcement of the idea, but a transcript of the students and the chatbots must be analyzed for a grade.

Group collaboration. I have a really nice division between the sides of the rooms and we can set it up very similar to Turing’s model. I believe the activity in the classroom is going to be lively and a lot of discussion will occur.

This is a link to a google search on chaterbots: http://www.zillman.us/subject-tracers/chatterbots-resources-and-sites/.

I will have the students watch a video on chatterbots. Create a set of questions to ask a human and the chatbot and record how each responds.

I have my room set up in groups which would work well for the Turing test activity. I had electronic links for this lesson until I lost all my bookmarks. I will post when I find them again.

Since I have a computer lab (with work stations) and another lab in a separate location with other computers, I plan to use both labs to achieve the Turing Test conditions of isolating the interrogator from the human and the computer. I am sure that using the video from the first part of this lesson (What is the Turing Test) will be my introduction to the concept.

Perhaps I will have my class design and create an example of the Turing Test using the available resources. Small groups. Make it a competition. Which team can fool the others.

The setup for my classroom is ideal for the testing. The Code.org website has provided alternate resources to use.

I plan to show the video and then have a class discussion and demonstration about the Turing test

This seems to be an extremely difficult lesson to set up, mostly because it requires an entire class to remain engaged while just a few students (with the teacher’s help) are doing the Turing simulation. The language complexity in the simulations is also likely to be way above the heads of many of my students. It took me over two hours to work through this lesson myself. Also, I found that ALL of the Chatterbox links either did not work or required the students to set up a login (I didn’t even bother). Somehow, I will have to cull through all this and come up with a coherent three day lesson that will keep my students engaged, and hopeful get the main point of all this; and that is that as computing technology advances “singularity” will be achieved. “Intelligent” computers will most certainly be able to emulate and then surpass humans in virtually every intellectual endeavor. But will they will ever know what it means to be human? Not likely.

Honestly, I’m not sure how to facilitate a Turing test. I will definitely show the short video introduced in this section to orient my students to this concept. I will then have a discussion about how students feel about artificial intelligence, benefits, limitations, possible applications, risks, etc. I will then show a movie featuring artificial intelligence (like iRobot) and have students analyze whether the way it was presented is accurate or not, whether it changes their perceptions, and how current applications hold up in relation to the turning test.

This approach sounds interesting and I may try this idea. Not sure of set-up in the room but as we work I’m sure ideas will come to mind.

I would have students get into groups and have them take turns asking the other members of the group a question. This would demonstrate that, although they get a variety of answers, every answer reflects the personality of the person responding. I would then show this video clip that we just watched. I would lead a group discussion debating whether or not they believed that a computer would be able to respond to the same questions appropriately and compare and contrast the differences they might receive from a computer versus a classmate.

Well, a lot of ‘chat’ services are blocked from my district, but I have found some chat bot’s out there for students to use either through web-based or iOS on my class iPads. Maybe we would also use some movie clips to see the Turing Test in action.

Here are some chatbots that you may want to try. Check them out first as a teacher before letting your students go to the site:

thank you for the links

I will show this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wLqsRLvV-c

I am thinking about using a google doc. Have two students go into the media computer lab and log into the doc. I will type the questions and they will type their responses. Not sure if this will work, I’ll need to try it out first.

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I actually have an office and a storage room that are located in my room, so I will have Herb go in one room and Connie go in the other (the students won’t know who is in each room). Then the in-betweeners will take the questions to them and bring them back to the class. I think the students will really enjoy this activity and will get a good idea of how “smart” computers really are.

The set up of my room and hallway worked well to do the Turing Test. At the end of the test, all but 3 of my students thought the “computer” was the “human”. I loved it! They did not know that the computer might try to trick them. I showed a Jeopardy video where the 2 top players played against a computer.