U3 Day 1-2: Lesson Resources

Code.org resources and space to share your resources

The PBS Frontline Documentary listed in the ECS curriculum is no longer live on the web (although I managed to get an offline version of it through a few hours of searching).

However, the PBS Frontline documentary Digital Nation is available and is more current and well produced.

Here is the PBS link to stream: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/digitalnation/view/

Here is my website and the questions I came up with to go along with it (all inspired by the ECS v6 curriculum)

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Thanks for sharing Kyle!

Any suggestions for effectively using W3 schools to learn html?

Here are some great resources I’ve found from other teachers and some I’ve made myself for U3 Day:

Website Activity Links - http://www.missblomeyer.com/expcs-assignments.php

Creating Web Pages website link- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m2ysEgNG0JEEjSJUVBhdzklgtuJwZOreG5tqsPTo98w/edit?usp=sharing

Web Design Concepts website links - http://www.georgebenainous.com/web/