U4 Challenge Decision

I found the name activity challenging since I am new to scratch, but also a lot of fun. I think students will love this activity and believe they will pick it up faster. I think it would be fun to allow students to explore and try this activity independently first, but then pair them up if they are having trouble so they can collaborate and share little things each learned while attempting individually. The great thing about this activity is that there were guided tutorials along the way to allow students to learn and make progress gradually. As an extension / assessment, I would have students write their own “name challenge” that requires them to create an entire sentence and then assign colors, sounds, or actions to each word as it directly relates to the word. For example, if the sentence said, “The little dog ran…” they would need to make the word “little” smaller than the others, the word “ran” move across the screen quickly, etc. I would have them swap these challenges with others in the room to see if they can complete them successfully.