U4 Challenge Decision

I created a lesson for Day 10-13 of unit Unit 4 PageLessonOverview.docx (25.0 KB)

It is nice to have two people in the same school teaching the same curriculum. We get to talk to each other before a difficult project to gain better understanding and approach then share notes on how the lesson went.

We did the rock-paper-scissor project Students loved it

U4 - Lesson Day 4 Lesson 4, Unit 4

I will be working on Day 2-3 Scratch - Name Project.

I will be completing Days 3-4, Name Scratch Project.

Challenge-4LessonOverview.pdf (113.3 KB)

I chose days 10 - 13 - “Broadcasting”
Broadcasting was one of the concepts that I did not understand at first. I purchased a book on SCRATCH that walked me through different steps of broadcasting and explained to me what each on represented.
The focus of the lesson was the flow of a game. We controlled the order of the game using broadcasts and we used variables to actually keep the score of the game.
The link for my game is:

I will do the Scratch Name Project.

I chose my challenge as the Broadcast Roleplay. The students really enjoyed creating a story and using the broadcast feature. I gave them a project of choice later and a majority chose to do another broadcast story. They were highly creative and very motivated with this project.

Event Driven Programming Days 7-8

I will share a Unit 4 activity that is appropriate for the new to programming category.

Unit4Outline-K.Wingate.pdf (79.5 KB)

Develop a Custom Sprite Project Rubric.pdf (21.6 KB)

I have chosen Days 20-23, timing game, as my challenge for this unit.

Here are the files:
One-page Description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YLbt4LHBLqiVZIvUqoX_It6XNKtf4dPkJ6QcXPNf3Q8/edit?usp=sharing
Assignment Description for Students: https://docs.google.com/a/reyn.org/document/d/1kEV9VKWhNG4OgI1vRphCe0Lz7kWf1vUUjbgQkylrJzE/edit?usp=sharing
Rubric for software: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1goKgKrt5cZVu_WkO1acrYrsx2jD5rTrzQT9zoy4AQUk/edit?usp=sharing
Evaluator’s Page for Gallery Walk: https://docs.google.com/a/reyn.org/document/d/1Gc9KDm0ey6JswvvgPXwfsnGqtqwr4uokOiKolpk7UTQ/edit?usp=sharing

I am going to be doing days 7-8 Event programming. The order in my class was based off of student discovery and interest so I jumped around a bit. Here is my One pager

Unit 4 - Lesson 5-6

Lesson #5-6: Scratch - Moving Sprites

Provide a general overview the lesson. Include teaching tips here, if any.
This lesson is about students connecting Math coord plane to CS. Using Scratch: change sprite, glide, forever, flag, sound,

Lesson Summary
● Provide an overview of the various parts of the lesson (especially important if you suggest changing the lesson sequence)
● Then, list the lesson sequence. First activity - Second activity, etc.
Review with entire class the coordinate plane and how Scratch’s coordinates are numbered.

  1. Establish connection of Coordinate grid to Scratch: Prepare overlay for class that demonstrates a coord grid and has some points and get students to name the points. Demonstrate to students where they can find the x,y coord values of their sprite as it is moved around the screen. Have them locate the origin.draw a point there color red, Next give each student a clear overlay and have them create a grid using vis a vis markers to show x and y axis.
  2. Have students use markers different color to draw a maze, not too complex on the plastic overlay.
  3. Have students code the glide command so that their sprite makes it to the end
  4. Play applause as the sprite makes it to the end.

This works great as a pair programming project
CS Content
Provide a brief overview the CS content covered in this lesson. Objectives
Students will be able to:
● Locate x, y positions of sprites
● Use the glide command
● Use the sound command
Materials and Prep
● Enough transparencies for students to draw their maze
● Vis a Vis pens
● Prepare a Scratch scenes for the coord grid, with points located

Student Documents
● Scratch programs with their maze glide code.
● Mazes on transparencies

Code Studio



Extension is to have students actually draw the maze with code line draw commands, it is great to have kids share their mazes and challenge eachother.

Math connection to cs—coord alg and CS, variables introduction
Glide, command, play sound , draw point command

Day 1-3 Room Data Project I plan to use this for my lesson. In addition students will use excel and eventually learn how to create pivot tables for their data collection.

I plan to complete the Scratch lesson

Unit 2-3: Name Project - excited for the students to have something personal to start programming with.

Unit 4.docx (22.2 KB)

I created a lesson on the Alphabet Game in Unit 4

Unit 4 Programming.docx (101.1 KB)