Astronaut won't move-help!

Hi @langilla1,

It looks like it has been fixed. Yay! The astronaut moves up when I hold down the up key. That is the only movement I see coded. Let us know if there was another question.


Maybe I posted the wrong link but we still can’t get it to move up. Here is is again.

Hmmm…I know it could jump yesterday:)

If you add “astronaut.y” to the watcher - it shows the y position to be 325. BUT the code for jumping says to change the velocityY IF astronaut.y is >325. So, because it is the same as 325, the velocityY of the astronaut isn’t changing. How could you fix this?

Another piece to think about: when the astronaut hits the star, the random placement sometimes sends him off the screen. The code for this is line 41 and 42. Just wondering if this was intended? You can’t really play the game if you can’t see the astronaut:)

Good luck-