I’m having my students compete in the Hackathon so that they can start designing their own apps. I think this will help make the learning process more relevant to them.
I understand the importance of giving students examples from their daily lives to help increase engagement and relevance, but there always seems to be some student who will shoot down the idea and try to derail the process for the class. Some examples: “The car won’t start” begets I don’t drive; “Which cell phone plan is better?” generates “My parents pay for it”; “Many students aren’t working up to their potential” leads to “So?” (Clearly, I need to continue to work on growth mindset and combating apathy)
I have had some success with using problems from fantasy and history. This year we started with the Seven Bridges of Konigsberg. Students were engaged, asked many questions and started some great strategies. It also led into some graph theory which several students used to help with the handshake problems that came later in the unit.
So I am going to try using more fantasy and history along with current problems.
A problem I discuss with the students is solving a problem with the computer. The computer will not turn on and you cannot access the Internet. What do you do. The students can go through the process of turning it on, checking the plug and connections. This is something they are familiar with in their every day life and they can learn the problem solving techniques by displaying their knowledge of fixing the computer.
Can you share any of your puzzles and riddles that you used?
I use a lot of classic riddles, brain teasers and quotes. If possible I adapt them to use computer references. For example:
There are two robots in a room. One is programmed to only tell lies and the other is programmed to always tell the truth. If you could only ask one question, what would you ask to find out which is which?
I use problems related to urban areas and those of broader environmental concern.
I always teach my kids to think outside the box. Think past your current resources. Then I help then to narrow it down into something that is doable. Sometimes, they are in need of help, and other times they can find the resources themselves with what they have around them and access to.
I always try to answer the question “why do we care” about whatever it is we are doing/learning in class. In CS that question may be easier to answer than in other areas. For example, why should a student care about his/her digital footprint? In a programming class, I may ask the question “why do we care about developing objects?” We have a quick class discussion before the lesson and often return to the question throughout a lesson/unit.
There are many real word problems that are relevant to students. They could try to help solve issues involving the student parking, exit strategies for fire drills, or even bullying. Having the students follow the problem solving strategies: Identify the problem, gather information, brain storm solutions, develop a plan, implement the plan, and evaluate the results. When students are involved in developing solutions to issues that directly impact them, they feel more invested in the results.
1, Teaching students how to become organized in their lives.
2. Time management.
3. Avoiding distractions while studying.
I always use examples of problems in our own school like fitting enough students in a certain number of classes with limited number of classrooms and teachers.
I think for me I will just try to replace some of the things that my students may not be as familiar with (muddy paths between towns) with things that are such as the subway lines. Even these small adjustments will make the material more relatable.
WE discuss real world problems like how to set up inventory, how many voters do you need to pass local initiatives or levies, what is the most efficient way to add utilities to a property or neighborhood.
At the beginning of each year, students try to navigate their way through the school to find their classes within the giving time limit. I would use this example of a situation where they need to brainstorm and problem solve in order to get to their classes on time and in the most efficient way. Students can relate to this immediately because they are constantly trying to find ways to squeeze out that extra minute to be with their friends.
This. Being connected to your students and their lives is the most efficient way of figuring out what problems they have or need help with and what is relevant to them.If you haven’t built those relationships with your kids for whatever reason, eavesdrop on their conversations and try to determine what they are interested in; they will tell each other things they would never tell you directly. Gaming is also a huge tie in for many of my male students, and although you can’t gamify everything, most of the ECS curriculum has excellent nexus points with gaming. There’s a reason that code.org uses a gaming approach to teaching its content…relevance and student interest are built in.
I have tried to encourage my students to use a plan for doing their homework or planning there day.
I would use the following problems:
• World Hunger
• Economic recession
• Natural disasters
• Disease control
Allowing students to apply the process to daily life or classroom problems.
I think all problems are an opportunity for learning. In speaking of problems related to computer science you can include any of the questions in the social sciences field and how humans interact with computers as well as the more conventional CS problems that can be solved with code.
The problem I like to use is money management. Since, this is a problem for the vast majority the students generally buy in.