Unit 3, Lesson 14: Interactive Card Question


One more thing on Erik’s. His rainbow background has a 2nd slide that is blank. That caused it to blink when I was playing with it. If he starts to see blinking, he may want to delete the 2nd image (in the animation tab).


Good Morning,

I have a student (Jaylen) whose code has locked up. We have tried different search engines and rebooted her computer and still, it does not work. Can you help please?



Here is the link to Jaylen’s project.


Did they make some changes to it since you posted? It looks like it is missing a “setAnimation” block, but it appears to be running as written.


As of yesterday Jaylen’s code.org would lock up and she is unable to do anything we have tried rebooting, rejoining my class, different search engines, and a different computer. It has to be a program problem attached to her account somehow. She sent a message in and included her username and my class code. Hopefully, they can figure it out.

Good idea. support@code.org should be able to help.


Hello everyone,

I have a student, Catalino, who can’t get his text to appear on his card. We have tried everything we know. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link to his project.


Cindy Klabunde

Hello everyone,

I have a student, Catalino, who can’t get his text to appear on his card. We have tried everything we know. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link to his project.


Cindy Klabunde

Hi @cklabunde,

Catalino needs to take his code for the text and put it after the drawSprites command. His background is a sprite and is therefore covering the text. It’s there, it just isn’t visible.

I have another student, Jacqueline, that her project worked two days ago, but today it doesn’t work. I am attaching the link, any help would be appreciated.

Jacqueline’s program says function moveBear() when it should say function draw(). She must have deleted the draw text, which is what the program needs to run the draw loop.