Activity Guide for Unit 4 Lesson 7?

In the lesson plan it states: Optional Resource : There is an activity guide available in the Resources section that contains all of the main tasks that students need to complete over the course of the four levels.
But I can’t find this guide anywhere. Am I missing something?

Hmm, I am also seeing the teaching tip, but no note. I’ll pass this on to the curriculum team. For a speedy response you may want to send an email to That way they can keep you posted as things get updated!

I think I’m going to give the OLD U4 L7 from 2 years ago. I thought the practice days were supposed to be small challenges. Bringing in the app to the practice days makes it so confusing. The old “Practice” days were better.

Same here - super disappointed to see that the curriculum team didn’t listen to feedback from last year and go back to the old versions of the Conditionals Debugging Levels. I remember trying the new “App Development” version last year and wasting an entire class period helping students try to understand really complex code with little to no learning…

If you are new to AP CSP, I highly encourage that you go back to the Unit 4 Lesson 7 levels from '22-'23, and give the new version to students as extra credit. Some of the advanced kids can do it, but most can’t.

Greetings all,

Just to note here that there are entirely new and simplified progressions for the Conditionals and Lists Practice levels that were written based on the amazing feedback that you all provided last year! If you haven’t had a chance to check them out yet, then I encourage you to give them a run through and let us know what you think.

If the old style of Practice level is more appealing, then there is no need to go back to the '22-'23 course. We have made these available in the current year course in Lesson 14: Conditionals Practice (Alternative)


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I did try the new Conditionals Practice and it was much better than last year. I do wish there was a pdf version of the Milestones and Testing steps that go with each level. I ended up creating a pdf of these that I printed out for my students. It made it much easier to follow because my students work on Chromebooks so there is very little room on the screen if you want to read the instructions and modify the code all on the same screen. I am uploading the document I created in case it would help any one else.
#15 Concert Tix Finder Milestone and Testing Steps.pdf (267.1 KB)


Thank you for this note, Erik! I just realized that I didn’t scroll all the way down to see that the levels were offered in an alternative lesson… I’ll A / B test this compared to the new ones today and see what we experience in class. Thank you!

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Thank you! This format is much better and I didn’t realize it was there. I was all set to go back to the 22’23’ version as well.