Hi there. I’m wondering if anyone has had success implementing a Tile Map in Game Lab. I’d like to, but I’ve come across what seems like a major shortcoming: There does not seem to be a way to modify the collision behavior of specific sprites (indexes) in a group. I understand that you can use the setColliderEach method on the whole group, but that won’t fit the bill for a Tile Map where I want to set different collider options for different sprites in the ‘tiles’ group (e.g.: some are walls, some are bouncy, some are just air).
I’m trying to use a for-loop to traverse the group and assign collision behaviors, but if I use a line like this: tiles[i].collide(player); - It produces an error: “Error: overlap can only be checked between sprites or groups”.
It seems like this is a bug, since a particular index of a group really is a sprite, right? Any ideas?