Comparison Operators

I tweaked the Matching quiz in U3L14 level 3. I plan to use it as an all-class introduction before the students proceed to complete Lesson 14.

It is on Canvas using the new Quiz format but I do not know how to share it here :frowning: so…

Q1 Is the ganon sprite’s x greater than the midna sprite’s x?
Q2 Is the ganon sprite’s rotation less than the midna sprite’s rotation?
Q3 Is the ganon sprite’s x equal to the midna sprite’s x?
Q4 Is the ganon sprite’s x less than the midna sprite’s x?
Q5 Is the ganon sprite’s scale greater than the midna sprite’s scale?

The answer choices are the same for each question:
ganon.rotation > midna.rotation
ganon.rotation < midna.rotation
ganon.scale < midna.scale
ganon.scale > midna.scale
ganon.x >midna.x
ganon.x < midna.x
ganon.x == midna.x
ganon.x = midna.x


The answer choices from above show up in the dropdown menu.

I am hoping this will help my students :slight_smile:


This is awesome! Thanks so much for sharing!

Great resource. Thank you for sharing!