Computer Science in Science PD: Computational Thinking And The Framework For K-12 Science Education - Discussion

As a teacher I aspire to develop future STEM professionals. I want to develop students who are risk takers, problem solvers, collaborative and have the necessary skills to be globally competitive. Integrating Computer Science in Science through modeling and simulations will make a big difference on my student’s learning because they will be able to see different scenario of how a given problem is affecting the system, and this will help them come up with the best solution to a given problem. Through integration of computational science students will gain self-confidence and will own their learning. This will also impact their career path. This relates to my professional goals because I want to inspire my students to become STEM professionals and Computer Science in Science will inspire them to solve real life problems.

After my numerous years in Middle School Science, my goal is to guide my students in a positive to enjoy and respect science. It is important that my students understand what science is and science is important to us and the world. Many students believe that science is not important because majority of the emphasis have been place on reading and math not science.
Learning to integrate Computer Science through modeling and simulation is a positive one for me because it will help me to grow and to increase my understanding with the concepts of modeling and simulation. Since this is my first year, I know that a will need patience to do this.

I aspire to teach my students that science in involved in our everyday life and everything surrounding us. Therefore, we are faced with many various problems or issues and we are constantly trying to figure out solutions. Incorporating CS in science will teach my students skills relevant to the real world application and problem solving.

As a teacher, I want to inspire students to want to learn. It is important that students may not have all the memorized facts, but need the skill set to figure out how to get the answers as they are to solve real-life problems. I want my students to be equipped for the real world and be competitive the 21st century job market. I want them to change the world.

Computer Science is the next skill set that our students need for the 21st century. I may not be teaching science, but I do have an unique opportunity to team teach with our two 7th grade science teachers to work on the modeling and simulation with their units. As a professional, I am well aware of how students must have an understanding of computer science and how to code. Now it is my responsibility to help students have the opportunity and be an advocate for this topic at our local district level—hopefully at the state level.

As a middle school science teacher, in our district the first daily exposure to science education from a scientifically trained person they experience, I see my role as to excite and engage students, help them see how connected science is to their real-world experiences, and train them to take a scientific/experimental approach to problems they face. In every content area where I can, I like to use hands-on experiences to help students conceptualize. I believe computational modeling will prepare students for the workplace and is an example of doing in the classroom what scientists do in actual practice.

As a science teacher, I want my students to be engaged and excited to learn. I feel if I can make science fun and have learning experiences where they can engage themselves, they will be more interested in science and will be more excited in real life science situations.

As a science teacher, I aspire to create a learning environment that nurtures passion and allows my students to utilize methods that interest them to explore real solutions to scientific problems. By using models and simulations, I think that we will help bring up young scientists and empower them to solve the problems we are currently facing on our dying planet.

I want my students to become scientist. I want them to think scientifically when approaching problems and use this way of them in every aspect of their lives. Learning how to integrate computer science in science through modeling and simulation will equip my students with the resources needed to think scientifically as they become scientist.

Once they are exposed, and practice, practice, practice, you will be surprised at the wonderful things they produce. Children have wonderful imaginations.

The Earth science classroom has similar goals.

As an educator, I strive to be open and willing to try new technology and developments in the scientific realm. Also, I believe that modeling behavior and attitudes for my students is one of the most effective ways to influence them. It is important to be able to try new and advanced developments, and not feel intimidated or cowed. I don’t want my students to be afraid to fail. If I am learning with my kids, it creates an environment of teamwork and peer tutoring, not one of performance and evaluation pressures.

I want to be a facilitator between my students and the knowledge they seek. Integrating computer science including simulation provides an additional tool for my students to grow and explore their ideas and questions.

Absolutely agree! One of the biggest challenges for me is to foster critical thinking, and present opportunities for student autonomy.

I agree, curiosity is key in science.

I strive to provide all of my students with access to cutting edge science and technology. I want them to explore the various tools that they could use to further their knowledge not only in the STEM areas, but in building a repertoire of skills that will allow them to explore an interests they might have. I do not have much experience in formal CS curriculum and implementation, so I hope this experience will help me add those skills to my pedagogical expertise.

My “identity” doesn’t come as a science teacher but a child of God. I aspire to do great things and inspire children to achieve the best with the gifts I was and they were created with. I love to show how creation is so amazing and direct students to ask logical and ethical questions about the creation around them. Using computers can be a wonderful addition to learning about the world around us and modeling what was created is a great way to inspire students to look at how it was done. As with any aspect of learning and inquiry, there needs to be a clear line of ethics. History has demonstrated that those with no boundaries and no ultimate guide will tread where they should not - whether it is through real life modeling or through computer modeling.

As a middle school science teacher, I strive to be a lifelong learner. I have spent countless hours in professional development classes in an effort to bring my students the best practices in science possible. My ultimate goal is to prepare my students for their future, and I believe that integrating computer science will give them the skills they need to succeed in the real world.

I agree with you that students need to see how science can relate to everything. Now adding in the computer science will provide another example of how science can relate to more things in the real world.

My goal as not only a Computer Science teacher, but a teacher overall is to contribute to students lives in a way that allows them to add real life meaning to everything they do. I love how our field contributes to more than just a theory, but something that can be validated. This is more than a subjective area and I hope to get the students so excited about it they take this on to other content areas and subject matter!

As a Science Teacher I aspire to help students become independent problem solvers if I can. I want them to enjoy and get excited by learning and thinking about relationships. I think integrating Computer Science with modeling and simulation will help me inspire students to be thinkers and to be excited about learning so I think it is great.