CS Fundamentals Vocabulary Resources

Please see the following folder link that has a bunch of CS Fundamentals Vocabulary Resources.

There are:

  • In each folder, a Google slides document that has all the course vocabulary in a nice to print/present slide
  • In each folder, a Google slides document that has printable vocabulary flashcards
  • In the main folder, there’s a Google sheets document that allows you to sort/filter on each course
  • In the main folder, there’s a Google document with Quizlet links for each course

All of the vocabulary comes from this Code.org Glossary. I mapped each word to each course and cross-referenced the vocabulary in the lesson plans to make sure the lists were correct.


Wow, @NextechJenna! This is a great collection of resources. Thank you for sharing!

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@NextechJenna Thank you so much! I’m adding this immediately to my resources document for CS Fundamentals sessions. Appreciate the entire effort!!!

Thank you! This is awesome :grinning:

Thank you, Thank you , THANK YOU!! This is wonderful!

Thank you very much for these resources!

Thanks so much @NextechJenna for these valuable vocab resources. Bookmarked this folder and using the vocab slides tomorrow. Grateful for your hard work! :pray:t4:

Grateful for the time you spent organizing these vocabulary terms @NextechJenna!

Is there a way you can send the folder link to me? My email address is HerbertD@duvalschools.org.

Thank you

Hi Herbert -

Our organization switched Google accounts and that was a folder that never got moved. Here is the updated link: CS Fundamentals Vocabulary Resources - 2019 - Google Drive
