DC Comics Characters Data set

Does anyone know if there is a known issue with the DC Comics Characters Data set? The data set was imported into an app. getColumns were used for appropriate columns and stored in variables. When trying to access these variables in any function or onEvent, they are blank.

I am not having trouble with this dataset. When I pull it in and access the names, I receive a list with 6541 items and am able to pull a String value from the names list.

I can do that same thing but when I try to access the variable in a function or onEvent, I get nothing.

Would you please use the share link to get a URL that you can share here? If the code is exactly the same, I might consider:

  • Have you imported the list in the Data tab?
  • Logging out/in
  • Trying to create a new project and pull the file in

If the issue persists, this may be a reason to reach out to support@code.org

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Check to make sure you don’t have [ ] around your list. I have seen this waaaay to many times with my students!

var x = getColumn [(“DC Comics Characters”, “Name”)];

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