Two of my 7th grade students are having a few issues with their game. Can someone check this game and see what is causing the glitches? Thank you .
-aircraft “fireball” shows up for no reason
-“fireball (named crash)” is supposed to only show up after “hitbox” line is touched
-bomb explosion “water balloon splash” always appears for no reason, supposed to appear after touching “hitbox” line
-fighter jet (f4) always touching line
-f4 fighter jet always touched the line, and triggers code always for no reason
-fatal error when using “w” and “s”, which is used to make the F-4 pitch up and down to make the bullet stay with it
-map doesn’t loop
needed fix:
-crash only appears after hitbox line is hit
-bomb explosion shows up after hitbox line is touched
-hitbox is always triggered though being at the bottom of the map
-map needs to loop terrain instead of disappearing
-dart (bullet) needs to stay with plane, even while aircraft pitches down