Lesson 6, Sprites

A student wants to set background color to an RGB color in Lesson 6, Unit 3: Sprites. Is this possible to do? If so, how?

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Hi Nicole! Yes, this is actually very straightforward to do. The code would look like this:

background(rgb(127, 255, 127));

Here is an example project: https://studio.code.org/projects/gamelab/Nen8kTnSKx1OZkflSdcCxQ
If the student doesn’t have the rgb(r, g, b) block in the tool box, they can just type that part between the parentheses of the background(); block, or just use text mode.

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I have a student that on Lesson 6 Unit 10 - has lost the means of being able to add animations from the ones that are already there, or upload from other sources. It is as though everything has been completely deleted. I have tried reloading, going back to the last session and going forward again. But nothing seems to have helped.
Thank you for any assistance.
Harriet Foster

Hi Harriet,

I’m sorry the system is giving you trouble. Can you report this as a bug by going to the level where this is happening and choosing “Report bug” from the menu in the top right hand corner of the screen? That will better allow us to look into the problem.


My student is having a problem with this lesson as well. When he tries to click on a sprite to edit it, it won’t open. The normal tool bar is truncated and can’t be accessed. When he deletes a sprite, and refreshes, the sprite is still there. We have logged out and back in, refreshed, changed lessons and come back. The problem is there for any of the activities in lesson 3, although it didn’t start happening until activity 16 in this lesson.


Hi Joelle,

Can you go to that level and choose “Report bug” in the menu at the top right of the page? That will help us to better look at the problem.
