Pilot - U5L03 - ASCII and Binary Representation

Please leave any feedback, thoughts, or resources for the lesson here. As a reminder, good feedback has the following elements:

  • description of your school and classroom context
  • details on what went well when teaching this lesson
  • details on what didn’t go well when teaching this lesson
  • a description of the changes you would recommend to improve the lesson (including formative assessment opportunities you added to the lesson)
  • details on the types of deviations you made from the lesson

For more details on what good feedback looks like, check out the feedback guide!

I am in a high school in San Jose, CA and have a mix of 9-12 grade students in the 3 classes that I teach this. The class is comprised of students from the highest achieving at the school to the lowest.

This lesson ran well as written.

I have run this lesson with one section of the class and let a sub handle two sections of the class.

The warm up is really quick and students remembered the animal cards from the day before.
It was easy to say that computers use only two cards. The students really accepted that you can only use two cards. Many of the students gave me a 1 or 0 when I said that computers only use two. The concept that it really is electricity through wires is a bit strange to students but that is a deeper concept that can be explored with some extensions to the material(if you want)

Students cruised through the hidden messages pretty easily and made their own messages.

The first three lessons took me a week and I felt that this was a good place to check for understanding.
I had the students write out what were the take aways from the first three lessons. I have not checked back with them but will reply later with some feedback about what they came up with.

Hi John,

I’m glad to hear that the lesson went well. I look forward to hearing what the kids say they got out of it.

With the first three lessons taking a week, was that two days each for the first two lessons and a day for this lesson, or do you not have class every day?


I don’t have class everyday.

Monday: we have every class for an hour
The rest of the week we have: 110min blocks with even or odd classes depending on the day.

I still haven’t had a chance to read over the responses from the weekly wrap up.