Question about scope in JavaScript as compared to Java

I’ve been learning about the way scope works in JavaScript and want to make sure that I understand it. It seems much simpler than in Java. I’m struggling to explain it concisely to students who are either going from Java to JavaScript, or who will eventually go from JavaScript to Java.

In Java, something like this WOULDN’T work:
int x = 10;
System.out.println(x); //won’t work, because the SOP is outside the scope of x.

In JavaScript it seems like something similar WOULD work.
var x = 10;
console.log(x); //will work, because x is either a local or global variable.


Hi @wbarnum - your code/conclusions are accurate for JavaScript. I am not as familiar with Java but I am guessing others here would be able to fill in some of the gaps. @caroline do you teach CSA?

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Long time APCS-A/AB teacher who learned to love JavaScript (sort of).

Short version: in JavaScript there are only two scopes: global and local. And, unlike Java, local scope in JavaScript only applies to functions (and objects).

So this:

if( someVal == true)
    var x = 10;

is equivalent to:

var x;    //declared but undefined
if( someVal == true)
    x = 10;

The term for this behavior and behind-the-scenes code rearrangement is called “hoisting” - As in variables that are declared and/or initialized inside loops, if statements, etc. are “hoisted” up out of there and into the global scope space.

In most cases this is actually convenient, or at the very least allows you to get away with some carelessness. For example, you can redeclare a variable later in the program - or at least you can appear to. Really it will just re-assign a value to the already declared variable that’s in the global space.

Your classic function examples for scope from Java will still apply in JavaScript. Namely function params are local to the function, not to mention any other vars declared inside the function. For example, here’s a doozy (meant to obfuscate - DON’T WRITE CODE LIKE THIS!) what does this display to the console? (the code is commented to explain the answer)

var foo = 7;
var a = 7;

myFunc(foo);               //call myFunc


function myFunc(a){   //myFunc definition
   foo = 0;           // sets global foo to 0
   a = 0;             // a is a param and LOCAL to the function
                         // so a is set to 0 and the global a is untouched

It will display 0 and 7 - the values of foo and a respectively after the function has run.

Now here’s the doozy. Same program with one difference - see how foo is redeclared inside the function.

var foo = 7;
var a = 7;

myFunc(foo);               //call myFunc


function myFunc(a){  
   var foo = 0;           // declares a LOCAL foo for myFunc
   a = 0;             // sets LOCAL param a to 0, global a is untouched

Now this will print 7 and 7 since the global variables foo and a were unaffected by running the function.

Actually, which one of these two examples is the bigger gotcha depends on what you were trying to do in the first place.

Hope this helps.

FWIW my impression is that this WILL NOT be an issue that is tested on the CSP exam. That is variable scope is not an issue. I believe this because scratch, I think, but certainly App Inventor (which are popular languages for CSP) don’t have local scope.



Thanks so much for this awesome explanation.

I understand that this won’t likely show up on the AP Exam, but I’ve noticed some students struggling with scope issues in their programming. I want to try to resolve their confusions as well as I can before they have to write a major program that I can’t give them feedback on.


I think understanding scope (in general) is a powerhouse concept - in that, if you can answer questions related to it, it means you have a decent mental model of what’s going on, if not how machines work. Similarly, variable reassignment is a powerhouse concept. Tough to teach, but once you get it, it serves you well.

Glad to help.