Reading Objects from readRecords

I am trying to pull an object made from a function that was stored on data section.
I have attached my code, commented the output and referred to the debug view on my table.
I do not know if this is a limitation of the current impelentation of readRecord or a lack of my ability to accurately reference the object.
The only Object method available is .keys(), .values was not available.
Is there a way to access the contents of an object using readRecords?

var assn1 = new ASSIGNMENT("Work", {"val":80,"weight":0.2});
function ASSIGNMENT (name, grade){ = name;
  this.grade = grade;
//createRecord("mytable", {assn:assn1}, function() {});
readRecords("mytable", {}, function(records) {
  console.log(records);         //[{"assn":{},"id":1},{"assn":{},"id":2}]
  console.log(records[0]);      //{"assn":{},"id":1}
  console.log(records[0].id);   //1
  console.log(records[0].assn); //{}
  console.log(Object.keys(records[0].assn));  //["name","grade"]
 * Contents of debug view on "mytable"
    "assn": {
      "name": "Work",
      "grade": {
        "val": 80,
        "weight": 0.2
    "id": 1
    "assn": {
      "name": "Work",
      "grade": {
        "val": 80,
        "weight": 0.2
    "id": 2

The solution to this question was addressed in this topic.