Student App Issue

For some reason that is beyond me, the pricing is not showing correctly in this decision maker app. Please advise. It is from Unit 4 Lesson 12 and I want to help him figure it out. Thank you in advance.

hello @darrin.patterson

// Variables
var food;
var drink;
var dessert;
var price;

//Code to get to Order Screen
onEvent("mainscreenButton1", "click", function () {
  playSound("sound://category_achievements/lighthearted_bonus_objective_4.mp3", false);

// Button to EndScreen
onEvent("submitfoodButton", "click", function () {
  food = getText("foodDropdown");
  drink = getText("drinkDropdown");
  dessert = getText("dessertDropdown");
  price = 18;
  // Main Code
  if (food == "Pizza" && (drink == "Water" && dessert == "Brownie")) {
    price = price - 3;
  } else if ((food == "Salad" && (drink == "Sweet Tea" && dessert == "Cake"))) {
    price = price - 4;
  playSound("sound://category_achievements/lighthearted_bonus_objective_4.mp3", false);

//Update Screen Function
function updateScreen() {
  setProperty("totalpriceLabel", "text", "\nPrice: $ " + price);
  console.log("Thank You For Your Purchase!!!");

you should really learn how events work i’ll bullet the main issues

  • undefined cannot be subtracted from
  • getText values do not update the variables unless called by an event or loop
  • main code is not tied to the submit order button

Thank you for the insight. I take it that you have either been teaching this for a while or are used to working in JavaScript. I am new at this and am not yet at the level where I can solve all of my student’s issues. So, I appreciate all the help that I receive.

Well, thanks to varrience, I have seen the errors that were made and sent my student a corrected version of his app. Thank you again.