Link to the project or level:**
What I expect to happen: I’m not sure if this will even work, but I want to randomly display a dog name and image based upon a list sorted first by size and then by type. I would love to make both filters happen at once, and attempted to base it off of the solution here: Unit 5 - Hackathon - dataset filter from multiple drop downs, but I couldn’t figure out how to have both dropdowns filter in the same function, since I need to have conditionals to establish size.
I thought maybe I could set up an if clause to first match anything that matches the type and then by size, but got nowhere with that.
So ….I first run a size filter and then the type, filtered off of the already filtered size list. I then want to update the screen with a random item from my twice-filtered list.
What actually happens: Nothing happens. It seems to be stuck on my type input dropdown, although I’ve triple-checked the syntax and don’t see that I’ve misspelled anything.
What I’ve tried: I’ve tried commenting out anything referring to the type filter all together to just type if the dog size filter works, but I can’t get that to run either. It keeps getting stuck on the dog type drop down, even when I comment it out.
I would appreciate any help. I’m trying to solve this while recovering from Omicron and my brain is just not wrapping around this at all. Thanks!