Teaching sequencing

I use a physical example - how would I move around the classroom (Unplugged coding activity!) to teach sequencing. I ask for directions from students and do exactly as I am told - feining bumping into desks, etc if the directions (sequence) are off. Once students recognize that each step must be specifically explained, it helps move them to think about how they would need to sequence when they write code.

Can you share the game?

I teach first grade and sequencing is an important concept to teach students early on. I have used LEGOS, pattern blocks, and gumdrops to teach this concept. Students need a hands on experience that they can reference when using sequencing for computer programming.

 I teach 5th grade and for sequencing, I generally give students parts of a narrative in puzzle pieces.  They are then required to put place the pieces in the proper sequence (order).  I think this is analogous to programming because programs have to be sequenced or ordered in the same manner.  This would be a concrete example of the skill.  

 As far as teaching algorithms, I usually use anchor charts and pictures to explain the steps to finish a task.  Anchor charts can be used to help students remember steps for completing lines to a program.

I sponsor our schools Lego League Robotics team. As a team building excercise before coding students were asked to move their team mate from one location to another using directions. The student who was going to move from point a to point b was not able to create the instructions his/her teammates did this. At the end his/her teammates gave them directions that they had to follow without question. When we discussed how well it when students noted different ways they could have made the directions more specific.

I think the code.org unplugged lessons help the students come to the same idea; i actually saw a similar idea in “My Robotic Friends”.

I teach little TKers, so I have found that kodeable.org goes through sequences the slowest. . . . step by step. I use code.org later with them when we do hour of code, but it gets too hard too fast for them.

I’d like to pitch coding/algorithms would be following a simple set of steps to do something. Maybe they could write out the steps to their morning routine.

8th grade science. Programming is taking the algorithms putting it into a computer languages.

There are so many different ways to demonstrate or have the students work with sequencing.

  1. Directions on a map
  2. Making a sandwich
  3. Stringing beads
  4. Directions on a test to read all directions… after 7-8 directions the final one is to put your name on the back and turn it in.

I like the idea of using daily sequencing to introduce it. If my Kindergartners can understand that their is a basic sequence to getting ready, such as putting on your socks before you put on your shoes, it can help them understand that you need to tell the computer what to do in the correct sequence. I like the cut and paste activities because I only have 5 iPads (that are very old and don’t always connect to the internet) and 22 students.

I love the picture book idea. Taking a story and cutting it apart and then putting it back together in the correct sequence would be hilarious to watch. I also think it would bring out some great discussions.

I will teach sequencing to my students as an orderly way of presenting instructions or procedure so
that it can be followed easily by others.

A way to show this will be to share unarranged set of instructions and asked the students to
rearrange it.

I really like the unplugged activities as a way to introduce the concepts of algorithms and sequencing. The Happy Maps are something I would use. But especially the Plant a Seed activity. The students can see how an algorithm is just a set of instructions in a certain sequence. It also shows them the importance of paying attention to detail and making sure you do not skip steps and that they are in the correct order. This is so easily transferable to the coding with Blockly.

While learning reading strategies and comprehension we talk a lot about sequencing. We practice retelling a story in order so it makes sense. When teaching sequencing in terms of coding we can refer back to our reading strategy and talk about how in coding it is using steps in order to solve a problem or make the right moves that make sense in our games.

As a media specialist, I teach sequencing to grades K-5 using unplugged activities and examples, such as solving mazes as well as online activities, such as using Kodable.

Hola creo que lasecuenciación la podemos ver en o que se hace desde que despertamos hasta salir de casa, este es unejemplo que uso mucho con mis alumnos.


I teach high school students enrolled in a special education program. To teach sequencing I would use direction.We would talk about the process of throwing out the trash, what steps are involved.

I love the vocabulary that is being used. I teach second grade, we spend a lot of time on sequencing in almost all areas, and we focus on using math vocabulary such as algorithm when we are learning multi-digit addition and subtraction. The connection between that and coding is exciting to me!

This is going to be my first year teaching CS. I would like to use unplugged activities to introduce the concepts of “algoritms and sequency” but also some simple daily activities such: brush their teeth, drawing and coloring, how to get from one side of the classroom to another or follow a direction.

When I was in high school (about 15 years ago) my computer teacher used a recipe to teach us algorithms.
We had to come up with a recipe to make lemon pie.
By enlisting the necessary steps in the correct order, with all the details, you get the right result.
When I think of ways of teaching algorithm, my mind always goes to this one, because it stuck with me.