Link to the project or level: N/A - This is a separate project.
What I expect to happen:
This is a prototype of a Study Hall Helper app that allows students to indicate when they are done with which homework and if they are willing to help others. Multiple students are running copies of the app at the same time, and reading and writing to the data table regularly to see each other’s changes. I store the dones (T/F if the homework is done, [studentID][subjectID]) and helps (T/F if indicated they can help others [studentID][subjectID]).
What actually happens:
It is working for the first student, at index 0, but not the second student, at index 1. The dones two-dimensional array seems to have a list for the first dones[0] and a count for the second, dones[1], so when the record saves, six “undefined” save instead of six true or false.
But, I don’t know if this is because App Lab’s watcher window can’t handle 2D arrays.
What I’ve tried: [replace with a detailed description of what you’ve already tried to do to solve the problem]
Since two-dimensional arrays aren’t built into App Lab, I’m not sure if I have all the right syntax.
Here is a share link.App Lab -
I have an export zip file, since the app uses data tables, but I don’t see how to upload it.