Unit 2 Google Slides Presentations

So I’m not sure what is the proper way to do this. I know that others have done this for each unit and I appreciate the time and effort they put in. I made some changes though and am in the process of making my own set of presentations as well. So I hope I’m not stepping on any toes doing this and if I am and I shouldn’t share this, please let me know and I will remove it. Here is the link for a Google Drive folder with my unit 2 presentations. They are not done, but as I make them, I will drop a copy in this folder as well. I hope this helps someone.

Google Slides - Code.org - Unit 2


Personally, I feel its a GREAT help. We should make modifications to any presentations being used for our individual classes…and Yes, I really appreciate any and all the PPT Presentations others have created and posted for those of us teaching CS Discoveries for the first time. We too are learning right along with our students and support, is appreciated and acknowledge for all hard work and effort creating presentations etc. !!! Thank you :)!


These are a huge help for me as well. I find it hard to teach from the canned curriculum that sometimes doesn’t even seem like a teacher wrote it!. I need presentaitons like these to help guide.