- Phase 3 PD: Computer Science Pedagogy #7

What Strategies will you use?

What strategies will you use when facilitating computer science learning in your classroom? Here are some examples:

  • Implement the "Ask 3 and then me" rule in your classroom, which is when students have to ask 3 classmates for help before they can ask the teacher that same question. This reduces the number of students that you have to answer individually and promotes peer learning.
  • Be calm yet persistent when problems arise (which they will) because your reaction sets the tone for students. If at the first sign of an issue, you proclaim "I'm terrible at technology. I give up," your students will think it's okay to do that too.
  • Take pride in their programs. Show them off, put them to work, post them online. This is a big accomplishment for you and your students that should be celebrated.
  • Ask probing questions to a student (even if you don't know the answer to the questions). Or ask the class if anyone has the answer. Or say "I don't know; let's figure this out together"


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I will try to foster in my students the desire to continue working on a problem even if they are not successful at first. Being persistent and being able to learn from their mistakes is a quality that I want them to develop not only for their work in CS and math, but in general.

I will use the asking probing questions strategy. My kids sometimes just need a push in the right direction to get their thoughts moving and solutions flowing.

I like to use the probing questions because it puts the learning back in the students hands plus allowing my students to share what they have learned on their own but I feel the most powerful learning is when you learn from your mistakes.

I currently use the Ask 3 rule in my classroom. It is a great tool for so many reasons! I have 34 students in each of my classes and it is very hard for me to get to each and every question. The Ask 3 rule allows my students to get an answer a lot quicker than if they waited for me to get to them. I also love the rule because it allows for collaboration between students. Even if one of the students does not know the answer they can work together to determine the answer.

I will allow students to work together and if a student grasps a concept, I will allow them to help other students and the teacher if needed.

I will implement pair programming, and “Ask 3, then me” strategies. In addition, I will promote collaboration and patience.

I will use the ask probing questions strategies. When students have questions, I have been very careful not to answer a student’s question, but to respond by asking them another question. This helps the students become more reflective in time and better problem solvers.

I will definitely use the Ask 3 then Me strategy and insist students do that first. I have a strong desire for students to be independent in their thinking and problem solving skills.

Definitely will be implementing ask 3 and then me. It will be a great classroom strategy for collaborating.

I want to encourage not only pair programming, but also using your resources and trial and error. I want the students to feel comfortable making mistakes. If they make a mistake, I want them to persevere by trying to solve the problem themselves. I want to make sure that as we begin the program, students know where they can try to look for answers and resources to use so they can help themselves.

I really like the “Ask 3 then Me”. That can be used in more than just the CODE class.

Ask 3 really seems to give students a chance to collaborate.

Being a cheerleader and encouraging students to not give up when they encounter a hurdle in their learning is beneficial. I let students know that they are advancing their learning when they struggle a little with a problem. There is always a solution to a problem.

Persistence is going to be the big struggle for me and my students. They tend to give up when they become frustrated and hate to look back at their work. I like the word “cheerleader” used above. I will definitely be taking on that role with our CS curriculum!

I will use the “3 before me” rule to make sure that my students are always trying to trouble-shoot their own problems. This would teach them that they can’t always ask their teacher to solve their problems in the real world, rather enforce the need to work with their peers to be successful.

I will use the strategy of “Students Helping Teacher”. When my students think they are assisting me in solving a problem, they work harder to get the solution. I do not pretend like I know everything, but I know together we can find a solution. My male students are more into solving CS problems than my female students. I need to find a way to get my girls more motivated.

I like all of the suggestions mentioned. I especially agree with the staying calm one. Random problems will arise and if you remain calm and flexible, the students will follow suit. I never thought issues such as the caps lock being stuck on would happen, but it will. It is important to these small issues, so that you have documentation for later.
I also really like the “Ask 3 and then me” rule. It really helps to make things move smoother overall. Some students think that they need to get all the answers to their questions from you right at the moment they have the question. I encourage students to view each other as “little experts” in different areas and ask each other for assistance. It will help you keep your sanity. Also, I encourage students to use the Internet for answers to their questions.

I did roll out the cup system that I learned in another CS PD training (Red, Yellow and Green) and it worked out quite well.

I think this is the most important strategy no matter the subject being taught. Celebrate every kid’s successes!