What strategies will you use when facilitating computer science learning in your classroom?

What Strategies will you use?

What strategies will you use when facilitating computer science learning in your classroom? Here are some examples:

  • Implement the "Ask 3 and then me" rule in your classroom, which is when students have to ask 3 classmates for help before they can ask the teacher that same question. This reduces the number of students that you have to answer individually and promotes peer learning.
  • Be calm yet persistent when problems arise (which they will) because your reaction sets the tone for students. If at the first sign of an issue, you proclaim "I'm terrible at technology. I give up," your students will think it's okay to do that too.
  • Take pride in their programs. Show it off, put it to work, post it online. This is a big accomplishment for you and your students that should be celebrated.
  • Your students may not need you in the way you think they need you. You don't need to be the expert. Ask probing questions to a student (even if you don't know the answer to the questions). Or ask the class if anyone has the answer. Or say "I don't know; let's figure this out together"


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://studio.code.org/s/K5PD/stage/7/puzzle/6

Encourage students to make up some problems of their own on paper.
Occasionally act out difficult problems in person.


I like the idea of acting out a problem. That can make it even more fun to find a solution.
I also like the idea of students going to their peers for assistance instead of simply rushing to the teacher for help. There are many times when the students are able to talk in a way that the other students understand easier.

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I like “Ask 3 then me”. I currently use this in my classroom during my guided reading block so that I am not bothered while in groups. My students do very well with this strategy. I also think students can use this with Code.org. They could ask 3 other classmates for help and getting students opinion before asking me.


I want students to show off their accomplishments. I would like them to share apps they have created or show how they solved a particularly difficult problem. Students need to know that they are recognized for their hard wok.


Sounds fun to show off your accomplishments. We could link this to class page.

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I’ll be very specific in my instructions and what is expected of students. I’ll ask them to try to solve on their own first, then ask someone next to them and finally me. When they get to me they should be able to tell me what they did to try to solve the problem on their own.

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In my classroom, I use “Ask 3 then me”. By doing this, students are able to talk it out with each other and try to find solutions together. I also have students who are already programming and they email their work to staff members and admin to look at. They also have other students playing their games. This gives them such a great boost of confidence and shows that everyone is good at something.


Students in my classroom often catch themselves coming to me for help because that’s what they’re used to doing. I flash 3 fingers at them and they get the message. They know that I am not their best resource. They know their classmates are their best resources.

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For sure, I will teach them to become masters of the programming skills rather than just finishing it because the point of the program is to learn not to just finish.

Encouragement and high expectations are strategies that I have used in the classroom and will continue to use when teaching coding.

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This past year I used the following:

  • Ask 3 Before Me
  • Pair Programming
  • Each week I modeled failure and showed my students how to persist through a problem to solve it
  • I also have “paramedics” in my class. These students are students who often finished their assignment earlier then everyone else. They walk around the class and help others when I am unable to get to each and every student

When facilitating computer science learning the first strategy i will implement with K-5 students is “Ask three and then me”. Curious how others may expand this. Such as s a way to make it three steps - :hash: :one:independently or as a pair explore the three most logical places to find the answer including previous problems, directions or tutorials, and text or search, :hash: :two: Collaborate with at least three peers :hash: :three: ask the teacher for assistance is solving it or if student(s) can share issue and solution with other peers who may benefit from the information.

I have used paired programming as well as ask 3 then me. I have also had students show off their creations with at least one other classmate. They also create a site with links to their games and creations as part of the digital portfolio. By integrating reflection-writing, I emphasize the process and not only the product, which I hope shows my students that I value the lessons they have learned along the way.

I loved the Ask 3 rule and it is something that I used through my school day, so it wouldn’t be a new concept to introduce during code.org activities. I do like the puzzle handout.

Most importantly, I want students to reflect on what they’ve done in that session. If they have a student blog, I would have them explain what they had worked on in that class session. If they don’t have a blog a simple reflection journal would be great to reinforce the metacognition piece. It also allows for students to document issues they have encountered and what their solutions were. Although I read journals periodically, I like asking for student volunteers once a week in class council meetings to share out something from their journal that week.

I keep telling my students that if they don’t understand the problem or how to solve it themselves, they can’t tell the computer how to do it! I need them to focus on understanding what they are being asked to do.

I also have used the “ask 3 and then ask me” strategy in my classroom. I also tell my students to use the “tip-tip-tell” strategy. I train my students to not just tell their classmates the answer because this will not help them to learn anything. Instead, I encourage the students to only give their fellow students a tip to find the answer. If they give two tips and the students still do not understand how to get to the answer then they are allowed to tell their fellow student. It benefits both students to think critically.