Expert Remixing

Now that you’ve taken a look at some of the powerful features of StarLogo Nova, let’s go back and help you get more experience with the modules that you have already completed.

Look at your public gallery and choose at least two projects from each of your completed modules to remix. Once you do, try to find a way to add all of the features that you have just learned into each model.

Can you:

  • give an agent the camera?
  • add at least one more procedure?
  • add a couple of extra conditionals?
  • experiment with extreme wiggle?
  • create some alternate breeds?
  • add a slider to quickly modify your environment?
  • detect a collision or proximity of agents?

Once you do, paste the link to the project in your public gallery in this forum and explain what you did, and why the result still makes sense as a scientific model.
I changed a couple of the parameters as indicated above. Through this manipulation, I was able to analyze more data. This gives the model more credence and more readily shows the interaction of the agents. I particularly liked having the agent take the camera.
Second manipulated project…

I was able to do all of these things, although at a pretty slow pace. I am getting better than during the training.

Can someone help look at the code and see where I’ve gone wrong. Thanks! Added a breed.

This is my first remix. I created a new agent to attach the camera to. This is a great view so students can see close up. I added sliders for population, transmission and recovery. I am going to remix this project and take it farther adding more of the features.

I remixed this project to show it from the agent angle. Something that I had not previously learned about at the face to face training. The idea behind this model is that there are agents, which is the grass. They are set to collide with each other while they mingle, if the invade or evolve buttons are toggled then as the grass collides the species changes. It is to simulate an invasive species in an environment and the evolution that can follow.
I was able to, with the support of our PD staff, add procedures, wiggles, alternate breeds, sliders and collisions. Conditionals are in place for the prey (deer) to run the other way if it is facing the coyote but I am not comfortable with this code as it took several of us during PD to place the conditional correctly. I have added the camera to the coyotes in the environment but am unable to see the model from their perspective. In terms of a scientific model, we have the predator/prey relationship modeled in our area between deer and coyotes.

I added a super bug to the colliding turtle activity. Agents colliding with the super bug die, and will not recover.

I created a new breed of dragons that wiggle and delete when they collide with a red turtle. I also added a camera to the red turtle. I made my original turtles change from blue to white when they collide with another turtle. I set up a slider to aide in the change of the environment.

Here’s my silly remix practicing some of these. I have turtles and otters that turn into sharks or whales if they land in the “water”.

Changed the recovery rate and transmission rate. Changed the color of each and changed the values of the random.

I changed the movement degrees and the graph colors. Changed the spread rate (gossip) as well.
I added the breeds of “doctor” and “grim reaper” to the epidemic model. When a sick turtle collides with the doctor it recovers and when a turtle collides with the grim reaper it is deleted.

I was able to make all the changes except for the conditionals. I had a hard time getting them to work and I’m not sure why. I spent a couple of hours trying to get the code written so that my angelfish would change to penguins and everything else would change to another animal. I couldn’t get it worded right.

Change the camera angle and getting to see from a turtles point of view was interesting.

I did manage to get the z axis to work for me. My angle fish were floating in the air!