U1 Day 3-4: PD Discussion Topic

Your question is one that has come up before. The ECS curriculum does not have answer keys to the worksheets. Much of the activities are group based and facilitated via journals and discussions so it is up to the teachers discretion to put a grade to the assignments and activities that teacher feels appropriate.

If it is okay for me to post here, I have this lesson in presentation format with assessments. See slides 13-20 ! Feel free to use and enjoy a COPY of the slideshow. To copy it, open in your GDRIVE and right click on the show, choose MAKE A COPY. You will have ownership and editing rights to that one. Be sure to update your slideshow as new updates come in and use it directly in class if you like, projecting and/or sharing to students. (note: if you share it to student’s gmails, they can click on the exams and project acitivites directly.) If you have suggestions, give me feedback. - Johnny Booker


@johnny_booker Please do share.

Computer Components Lesson w. Assessment: Slides 13-20

Open in G-Drive, Make a Copy, use freely.
Johnny Booker

Thanks for sharing. You’ve gone to a lot of work.

I will ask the students if they can tell me the parts of the computer they are using or if they have ever assembled a computer from scratch. I will use the PCs in the room to demonstrate the parts of the computer and the GRAPHIC for the inner parts to explain each part and it’s purpose.

Thank you, Nicole. This morning, a K-5 facilitator contacted me after being referred by a colleague - and said that she could not get help preparing a M/S-H/S level workshop for instructors in a nearby city. I knew nothing of the topic, but did some research, including help from your Code group, and within 2 hours had designed her presentation and arranged it ready for use in the lab. She has promised me a blackberry pie. :wink:

I like the idea of modeling and analogy first. After students have had a chance to think about what a computer does, then having students take a look at physical components and revising their own model. I might give students an analogy to start with but now ask them to make their own analogy.

I love the kitchen analogy. I will definitely use that! Thanks. Also in the past, I have had students (in groups) take computers apart and examine the parts. I was able to get old computers from the technology department. The students learned a lot and they love the hands-on activities.

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Love it! Thanks for being a helping hand.

I have a couple of older computers that I built with an introductory programming class. Having the kids get their hands on the hardware really gets them excited. The IRS has tons of computers they donate for educational purposes for free. In times past I have had the students take the computer completely apart and then put it back together. If the get the computer reassembled and can get it to POST successfully they get credit for the assignment.

I have a large compuer lab so we will take apart one of the computers


Great idea! In the “Maker” culture, “breaker spaces” are becoming more popular as machines get older and stop working. This is also very satisfying for the kids that need to use their hands.


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I plan to open up a computer and labeling the parts. I will have it on display for the students to take a look. I also plan to use this as an assessment at some point - I would change the labels to numbers and see if the students can identify the parts.

@alison_ence, this is a great idea! My students would have definitely had some fun with this.

Love the Carnegie Mellon site. I also utilize videos and have students research options for hardware components in depth.

I use a computer buying unit. I give them three different customers with different requirements or desire for computer use. I then require kids to “build” a computer and/or quote to purchase. They must justify what each component is and why it is important for this particular buyer.

There are always old computers laying around waiting to be recycled. Each year I have used these old computers to show students (hands-on) what a computer looks like inside. With the use of mobile devices, students can create their own presentation of this learning process.