U1 Day 5-7: PD Discussion Topic

I had them do a search - everyones search was identical, then we compared the results. After a brief discussion I showed the video. As for the scavenger hunt, I let students participate in choosing the items on the list.

This could be used to foster a discussion on what the future of the internet will look like in the coming years. How will being online connect to the offline world?

Here are some links we had the class look at when evaluating whether a website is valid or not. Many of them look like legitimate websites but are not. I havenā€™t had a chance to move this to my new school website yet, so here is a link to my personal website: http://amyulen.com/ecs-2 . Click on the tab to get to each page and then click on the image to view the page on the Web.

I have done a lesson in the past they incorporated the idea of a scavenger hunt. The browsers, search engines and ways they go about finding information would be shared amongst groups in class.

I would ask for shared discussion of experiences having students grouping together to reflect upon own personal experiences then sharing what they like and dislike about this filtering. I would give them a homework assignment asking them to monitor their FB accounts and then find out if they notice posts being algorithmically deleted or added. Perhaps they will notice other strange occurrences happening to their account. Groups would share among themselves then present to class what they found.

I think itā€™s important that students know how to analyze the validity of search engines and search results. They also need to know how to most effectively search to get the answers they are looking for - boolean logic.

I want my students to watch this video. It has such a great summarization of things we have talked about in other classes. In another class, I have my kids develop a set of links on a topic, and have them evaluate each one. I have found it beneficial to have them evaluate 1 like from the first google page, one from the 3rd and one from the 5th (adjusted as the topic needs). And we discuss the algorithms; but itā€™s not been as succinct or well-put as this.

I would use the demonstration with a current topic as shown, and do the compare and contrast with different google screen shots. I know that when we did the scavenger hunt at the workshop, we all commented that we needed to revise it. Too many things did not need us to go beyond the first page of google, and some of the great tools were never needed or seen by the kids.

How do you plan to help students remain engaged throughout this lesson? Do you plan to use any additional resources? What are they?

I plan to make this lesson relevant to their everyday lives. I plan to not only discuss how it affects research for school but how it affects socializing, finding solutions to personal problems. I will pair this lesson with my introduction to digital citizenship which utilizes materials from Common Sense Media.

When I show videos, students will be required to formulate one statement on what they learned from the video and share out with the class.

Iā€™ll be honest here. I wish I took this online training sooner as it would have helped greatly. I often believe that there must be a perfect video out there in the ether for a particular class or topic. After spending hours looking for it, though, I usually end up frustrated and no further along in my prep. Iā€™ve got to make sure to look through all these resources before trying to find something on my own.

I would allow the students to watch the video in pairs. Then I would allow each pair demonstrate how they think their classmates would best understand the information and create a ā€œtutorialā€

I plan to do the scavenger hunt, using items related to my studentsā€™ interestsā€¦which is Forensic Science & Criminology.

I would have students log on to back channel discussion forum like Todayā€™sMeet posting their comments and questions as they watched the video, thus having an active discussion taking place as the video is playing. We could then review the discourse as a class to review and spur discussionā€¦

Itā€™s important to pause a video from time to time to highlight important points, ask questions, and get comments from students instead of just pressing play. The graphic in the video that shows when nothing gets through your bubble and itā€™s like the rest of the world doesnā€™t exist is a powerful image, but sometimes students lose focus by that point. Just because we find something fascinating doesnā€™t mean they do. I also have my students use both their school computers and their phones to search for current topics to see if the results vary. The same applies to their suggested videos on youtube and the tweets theyā€™re most likely to favorite or retweet.

I like the TED talk video - I think it can be very helpful in bringing home the fallibility of the internet as a research tool if you use it blindly.
I also will use the scavenger hunt.

I could have the students visit various websites that they visit often and explore how these websites are tailored to them.

I also plan to have my students explore two sites similar sites relevant to our area and have the students evaluate which site is ethical.

I think I will first have students give examples of Web 1.0 web site and Web 2.0 sites after watching the video.
Since students all know how to use social media for personal interaction and entertainment, I will ask them to apply it to the business world by asking them to identify 3 social media sites and discuss how those sites could help or hurt a business.
Lastly, I would like them to work in pairs to decide on a set of search keywords that they will both search on using Google, compare the results and try to draw conclusions on what algorithms Google might be using.

I agree totally with you. This concept is so important to everyoneā€™s future that students must understand what this means.

Great ideaā€¦I love the suggestion!

I really enjoyed the Web 2.0 - Extended Resources video and the TED Filter Bubble video by ELI Pariserā€¦even the Water video at the end was great for just thinkingā€¦things that we (all of us that may go on our way everyday in America that when the water is turned on to brush our teeth or wash our faceā€¦do not think about where the water comes from and if we will have it tomorrowā€¦we can keep doing what we are doing and pay our bills monthly/bi monthly. I would definitely pair up all my students in 2 member teams to search something in the same search engine, spelling the search the exact same way and see if different information pop upā€¦I think that would be very interestingā€¦and a very engaging moment.