'15-'16 Lossy Compression and File Formats

Thanks for the example. Now I know that my students answers were detailed enough.

This lesson went well. I think a key would be helpful. Students said that PNG and BMP could be either lossy or lossless but that is not what the matching exercise said on code studio. Is the reason for that because you can compress it in a lossy format when saving? Can someone clarify.

Following @caroline’s lead, I made a Kahoot for this lesson that goes off lesson 15 too since lesson 16 was a little short. I think if I knew more about the subject, I could have filled that space, but since I am not yet an expert on this content, I played a Kahoot again. The Kahoot showed that students aren’t quite automatic on understanding binary and hex yet so I think more times/activities with those topics would be helpful.

If you have questions about Google Classroom send me a note, I have use it extensively in most my classes. krose@bisd303.org would be best because I don’t check the forum much.

Help! Lossy widget link here does not currently work: https://studio.code.org/s/cspunit1/stage/16/puzzle/1

I reported a bug to code.org, but thought I’d raise the flag here too…

Looks like the link has been fixed now.

Thanks for the alert! – we did fix this and made it so that this project cannot get reported for abuse in the future.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: '16-'17 General Discussion for Lesson 2.5