'16-'17 General Discussion for Lesson 2.6

Here are a couple that I thought were good.


Wondering the same thing… I will go look in '15-16

I created an extension of this lesson for my Semester 2 AP CSP students. (Most of our classes are double-blocked for a semester). I wanted to tie in the image creation and storage with the Encoding A Human Experience.

For this extension, students create something like a favicon that relates to the topic they used in their human experience.
I have included a link to the description of this extension. Comments? Suggestions? Create an Image Extension to Human Experience Encoding

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This lesson takes some time to get students to understand. It isn’t straight forward on how to encode a human experience. I walked my students through an experience and that helped them to see what it meant.

Did you see this post on October 15: http://forum.code.org/t/16-17-general-discussion-for-lesson-2-6/5157/12?u=karenma
I like the ideas presented for helping the students understand this lesson.
