2.4 Pai Programming

HI there, I am working with 6th graders on this unit. I am just a little confused about the pair programming. I can’t find how student’s sign into code as a pair. Is there something they need to do or is it simply that they take turns at each of their computers?

On the student’s page in the upper right corner, you will see “Hi (student name)” with a drop down arrow. When the student clicks on Pair Programming they will be able to choose their partner.

How does using the Pair Programming make a difference? If the students switch roles, does it know what student is driving? Does it give credit for completion for both students in the pair?


I have the same question as above.

Not sure about the first two questions, but both students get credit when they both turn on the pair programming feature and select their partner.

I find that I definitely have to remind students of this task. So eager to jump right in to collaborating.