About the Unit 6 Best Practices category

Worked collaboratively with peersUnit 6

Unit 6

I did not have time to do Unit 6 this year. If I have the time and funding next year I would like to give this unit a try. However, my students have expressed interest in learning more about programming after they did Unit 4. If I cannot do the robotics next year, then I would like to dive deeper into programming.

I am thinking of using w3schools and Khan Academy to assist me in teaching Java, then applying Java to the websites we created in Unit 3. After reading through the Unit 6 Best Practices responses I decided to look into Greenfoot (I got the idea of using Greenfoot from the response given by rlpierce.) After doing a bit of exploring in Greenfoot, I think it may be another good tool for introducing java.

If anyone has had experience teaching Java, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions about teaching it and/or resources for teaching Java!!

I checked out Greenfoot and like it. I tentatively plan on using it next year. Thank you.

Videos, Videos, Videos.
Students do well when provided with visuals which double as how to guides.

I really enjoyed the entire course for my students. I felt rushed at the end of the course and had little time to complete the robotics module. I appreciated the feedback from others and the support materials

I did not get to unit 6 either semester this past year. However, I plan to complete Day 1: What is a robot/what makes a computer robotic?

Code.org unit 6 lesson plan.docx (1).pdf (100.1 KB)

I didn’t modify this lesson too much. IF I were to teach this, I would use various YouTube clips showing how our depictions of robots have changed over the years…leading up to our current Robot Celebrities that seem to be “human” – precursors to Artificial Intelligent beings.

For the final unit students voted to study game design rather than robotics. We looked a the nature and elements of games, video and otherwise, briefly dabbled in game theory and worked in small groups (gaming companies) to create a new game.

This lesson was about learning how to create a game that some one else wants you to create rather than a game that is your idea.

ECSgameCreationBattleship.docx (12.4 KB)
ECS Classwork for 3 June 2016.docx (13.6 KB)
Unit6ChallengeMCloud.pdf (85.1 KB)