I am trying to refine my philosophy around when/how to use pair programming. I am having students do daily reflections when we do pair programming and I select sections of the course that introduce new topics. Since this introduces variables, I wanted students to work together in pair programming with this section. HOWEVER, at the end of the hour I had some groups that were done with 10 minutes to spare and other groups that were still only half done.
I am going to give students one more hour to do this in pairs in class, but I needed something extra for my students who finished the section. I created these three tasks for students. Inspired by @dschneider , the first one has students re-mix an app to learn how the “prompt” command works and then add to it. The next two are more open ended.
How are other people addressing different speeds of students?
Thanks for sharing these tasks! In Unit 3, when students completed the 3x3 grid early when they were allowed use functions, I asked them to write a program that would draw a 4x4 or 5x5, or even an nxn grid. But I really like having these additional tasks at hand for the quick groups!
what is the variable capacity for number type? I could not find it and the teachers side did not say. Step 10 has students try to discover? is it a 32bit number?
Interesting question. There is a constant (Number.MAX_VALUE) that will tell you the maximum value. When I run the program:
I get 1.7976931348623157e+308 as the result. Surprisingly large number.