App Lab - dropdown

Morning All!! I am still new to coding and learning very fast (will be teaching computer science this fall). I am creating an app for a class I am taking and I need help because I am lost!!

I have it set up that are searching colleges that are either under or over $25,000 a year in tuition and I have a data set where I have 3 columns (college, price, students). I am using a drop down to select the college and I want the other 2 columns to auto populate in the text box areas but I have no clue what the coding is. I have spend hours looking online to figure out how and I am just missing something!! Any help would be appreciated!!

Here is what I have:
readRecords(“under25k”, {}, function(records) {
var college_list = ;
for (var i=0; i < records.length; i++) {
appendItem(college_list, records[i].college);
setProperty(“dropdownU”, “options”, college_list)

readRecords(“over25k”, {}, function(records) {
var college_list = ;
for (var i=0; i < records.length; i++) {
appendItem(college_list, records[i].college);
setProperty(“dropdownO”, “options”, college_list)

I have this as well but I know it is not correct because I have changed it a 1,000 times!! lol

onEvent(“dropdownU”,“change”, function(event){
readRecords(“under25K”, {name:getProperty(“dropdownU”,“text”)}, function(event){
var price_list = ;
for (var i=0; i < records.length; i++) {
appendItem(price_list, records[i].price);
setProperty(“price1”,“text”, price_list)


here is my app:

I have an immediate interest in what you are trying to do. I will play with a copy of your code and get back to you here when I know more … Can you paste an example .csv of your data table(s) – the data tables do not come with a remix. … Okay, give this a try:

This should be the only place I made changes:

onEvent(“dropdownU”,“change”, function(event){
var selectedText = getProperty(“dropdownU”,“text”);
//console.log("onEvent dropdownU, selected text is "+selectedText);
readRecords(“under25k”, {college:selectedText}, function(record){

if (record.length > 0) { // length should be one (of type object)
//console.log("onEvent dropdownU, returned record length is "+record.length);
//console.log("onEvent dropdownU, record.price = "+record[0].price);
//console.log("onEvent dropdownU, = "+record[0].college);
//console.log("onEvent dropdownU, record.students = "+record[0].students);
//console.log("onEvent dropdownU, record = "+record[0]);
// retrieve price entry for this record
var textPrice = “$”+record[0].price;
// set the text field on the applicable UI element

var textStudents = record[0].students;

else {
console.log("onEvent dropdownU, returned records length is "+record.length);
}); // end of function(record)
}); // end of function(event)

Yes and here are some of the data:

under 25,000

id college price students
Select A College
1 Ashland University 20,392 3,716
2 Binghamton University–SUNY 22,164 13,491
3 Bowling Green State University 18,332 14,334
4 Brigham Young University–Provo 5,300 30,221
5 California State University–Fresno 17,209 21,482

over 25,000

id college price students
Select A College
1 Adelphi University $34,034 4,852
2 American University $44,853 7,909
3 Andrews University $27,684 1,733
4 Arizona State University–Tempe $25,458 41,828
5 Auburn University $28,840 21,786
