Bug fixes and updates to Code Studio

Code.org’s CS in Algebra team spent the summer training hundreds of educators across the nation on how to integrate computer science into middle school algebra curricula using Code Studio. Throughout the trainings, we received a ton of great feedback, and as a result we’re happy to share that we’ve fixed a number bugs and made significant improvements to the platform, just for back to school.

In this quick screencast, Product Manager Tanya Parker summarizes the changes and improvements.
If you want more details, continue reading here: http://teacherblog.code.org/post/125800838249/improvements-to-cs-in-algebra-for-back-to-school

My students are experiencing issues during Stage 7 while using chromebooks. When they go to choose sprites or backgrounds, the options box is longer than the screen and they are unable to scroll down to see more options.

My students have not complained at all about the new version.

My students have recently had problems with the keyboard not working to control the game. It worked before, but now the game only works using the arrow keys on screen. Any help with this? Thanks!