Bypass photo size limit in uploads

Is there any way to get a bigger photo in gamelab? More than (100kb) in size?

I find it real frustrating when I have to create a game and I can’t put an image for the world because it’s way too long/big.

I find the solution to just split it up, and then inserting the many sub-images that way okay. But it quickly becomes incredibly tedious the longer the image since I have to split it more. And each cut of the image has uneven memory sizes which makes it almost impossible to use sites that split images into even divisions since there’s almost always going to be one slice that is over the size limit.

A) external host
B) CDO storage pixel values
C) convert to base64

use an external host… yea there’s plenty of options load them in using loadImage unless you want to keep the image within CDO hosting, then you need to load the image in base64 or store the pixel values in the table or keyValues which puts more strain for loading in images this way so hosting externally would be a better option

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Okayy I’ve been learning about preload and setup to get the images, but I feel like I’m doing something wrong.

When I use setup() so that the preload doesn’t get ignored, suddenly isn’t able to find any of the animations I’ve already uploaded into the animation tab…

Am I doing something wrong? Is there another function or thing I need to do? I’ve put preload and setup at the very beginning, is it not possible to use external images and animation tab images at the same time?

you’d have to give me a demo… CDO handles animations you’ve made and preloads them in at the same time as your loading other stuff in

oh my bad, I was poking around myself to fix it and realized that i didn’t even need preload and setup and just had to use addImage on a sprite…