prep for Create Task

Hi Everyone -
Given that my school has been 100% online this year and we have had less synchronous time with students than we normally would, we are several weeks behind where we should be. I have been looking into pacing for the remainder of the semester in preparation for the Create Task and the AP exam. We are currently covering unit 5 and it seems to me that unit 7 is critical in preparation for the Create Performance task. I am thinking that students should be able to successfully complete their Create Tasks without covering unit 6 as this material is covered under the multiple choice section of the exam. I would like to finish unit 5 and go straight to unit 7 and from there complete the Create Task. Does anyone have any thoughts on this idea? Would skipping and potentially coming back to unit 6 later, if time allows, be detrimental to students’ in completing the Create Task?

Thank you,

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I don’t think it would, as long as your students don’t need a breather from coding. There is nothing in Unit 6 that directly impacts the performance task. Unit 7 is pretty critical, and the project will help students prepare for that final set of questions for the written response.

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I am in the same boat. we just got our date for the AP exam of May 26. Not sure if that is the test or when the performance task is due then?

@Mitch @shawj1 Thanks for posting these important questions. In the current climate, time is a valuable factor in preparation for the Create PT and the AP exam. Unit 6 is designed to give students a solid foundation and understanding of how algorithms work in preparation for the PT and exam. The unit overview says:

Students learn to design and analyze algorithms to understand how they work and why some algorithms are considered more efficient than others.

If you have the flexibility to cover the 5 lessons, I wouldn’t recommend skipping as algorithms are required for the PT. However, moving to Unit 7 after Unit 5 should be a problem for your students. As you prepare to cover Unit 7, look carefully at the Create PT requirements. You may be able to make some adjustments with U7 lessons if you are really short on time.
The Create Performance Task is due on May 20th, 2021 at 11:59 pm EDT.
The AP Exam is being offered with three options. See the graphic below from the College Board.

Please let us know if you have additional questions or concerns.