Course Selection/Duplication

Currently I have students for a quarte in the 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades. My State is looking at having CS as high school graduation requirement. If they do that, there is a possibility that I would have kids for a quarter 6th grade, a quarter 7th grade, and then for the full year 8th grade.

What can I do with my 6th and 7th graders that won’t be a repeat during a year long 8th grade section?


I divided up the units on into 4 classes
Each course is a 35 time 50 min long meeting
If you would like to see my google classrooms, you can join using a personal account with the attached codes.
These are middle school level and feed into CSP classes at the High School
I did amend and combine the handouts and such to assist my students. Overall students have enjoyed the classes.

Class 1 - Computer applications - Express course + Unit 1 Problem Solving + other stuff Classroom g5tnngo
Class 2 - Web design - [Unit 2 Web Development] (Web Development ('23-'24) - Google Classroom y6n7ohw
Class 3 - [Video Game Design interactive-games-animations] (Interactive Animations and Games ('23-'24) - -Unit 3 Goolge Classroom rcvcte
Class 4 - Intro to computer Science - Combo Units 4 The Design Process & 5 data-society Google Classroom po3imhc