Is there a working example of the Unit 3 Lesson 23 Flyer Game? There are three different examples within the teacher’s panel, but none of them work correctly.
I am not an expert coder, so it helps me visualize a correct version before I help my students when they struggle.
Thank you!
So each of the examples in the teachers’ panel will show different applications of different concepts of the unit. I’m not aware of an official exemplar with all of the code in place because they encourage the students to apply the concepts and create their own version.
I can totally see how it would be helpful to have at least one completed one to look at though. Maybe some other teachers will have an example of one they have made they could dm you on. Generally, we try to avoid sharing completed projects in the forums as students have been known to come here looking for finished projects they can claim as their own.
I usually start with my students, but never finish one myself … lol.