Code for Student Example 3.14

My students keep asking about the student example. Is the code available for them to view?


Hi Elizabeth,

The code isn’t directly available to students because some teachers might prefer to keep it hidden. You can see the code in your teacher area on the right hand side of the example level (Bubble 2). Just pull out the blue tray on the right and click “Example Solution” and it will take you to a Game Lab project where you can see all the code. You can either share the link with your students or remix the project, edit as you see fit, and share your remixed version.

I would like you straight to the example solution, but because this is an open forum, I can’t share it. If you still can’t find it, just direct message me and I will send it to you.


Thank you! I could have sworn I checked for that. My students have loved doing the cards.

Hi Elizabeth,

Would you happen to know why, when the code is run from the exemplar, the sound plays but when run from Bubble 2 (student version) it does not?


I’m not sure why the sound isn’t working on the bubble. I just double checked, and it looks like the code is the same. I think that the sound part was added in later, but we’ll check into it.


I’m having a Problem with finding the example for my students.


Hi Moe,

Teachers need to have a verified teacher account to see the example solutions. You can get a verified teacher account by following the instructions here: Becoming a Verified Teacher


Hi @elizabeth_admin

After seeing this message I still do not understand how to open the example code area, can you sent the link to me directly? thank you


When you are logged in as a teacher and go to code studio, say at,
Look on the right hand side of the screen for the arrow(shown below) and click on it.

Once you click on that, a drawer comes out and you have options to look at your own students’ work and the examples(if there are some)