Would there happen to be an example on how to do CSD Unit 5 Chapter 1 Lesson 6. I see on the lesson plan for teachers there is an “exemplar”, but when I click on it it just takes me to the view of the students.
If you go to the lesson in Code Studio and look at bubble 1, there is a link at the bottom for a .pdf of the exemplar. I’ve attached the .pdf download here too. [redacted link to answers]
I do not see this bubble. I am also having the same issue for U5LO7 Activity Guide Combining Representations
When I click on the “Keeping Data Secret- exemplar”, it sends me to this link: https://studio.code.org/s/csd5-2017/stage/6/puzzle/1
On the top of the page: “Overview”. On the bottom of the page “For Teachers Only”, a blue box with a link to the pdf. If you do not see the blue box, you may not be a verified teacher.
Please let us know if this doesn’t work for you.
It’s not working for me. I recently sent in a request to be verified.
Checking in to see if you got verified… and making sure everything is working for you.
Yes. I did get verified, thank you.